- Fish oil can be ingested by eating fish or taking capsules. Different types of fish have a wide range of oil content available. Herring, mackerel, salmon and tuna have some of the highest levels of omega-3.
- The American Heart Association encourages the consumption of fish oil because studies have shown it is effective in reducing the risk of heart disease.
- Studies have showed that a lack of omega-3 in the brain can cause depression. Eating fish oil as part of a balanced diet can have a positive and uplifting affect on mood and well-being.
- Flax seed oil is comparable with fish oil, as it creates omega-3s in the body. For vegans and vegetarians who are opposed to ingesting fish, flax seed oil is an alternative option.
- Due to pollution and contamination in the oceans of the world, fish oil may contain mercury and other harmful substances. Take care to eat fish in moderation and to purchase high quality supplements.
Cardiovascular Benefit
Mood Elevator
Fish Oil Alternatives