Answering that question is a serious business.
After all, your life - your emotions, your happiness, and your future...
could depend on it.
It's kind of ironic that we have a lot of books or guides on how to repair your car, your malfunctioning computer, or how to unlock that newly bought iPhone but very little good instruction on how to get your ex to want you back.
No wonder a lot of people get this all wrong! They imitate what they see in the movies, try to figure things on their own, or do nothing at all when thinking on how to get your ex to want you back.
And the result: They blow up an already-shaky relationship which could've been salvaged have they done things right.
Worry not though, I'll be outlining some tips that would greatly help you steer things on the right direction when thinking on how to get your ex to want you back.
Understand? Good...
let's go.
How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back Tip 1 Keep a clear head.
A lot of people panic and go ballistic after a break up...
and they end on doing things that are even more destructive.
If fixing a computer requires a calm and focused mind, so does fixing a relationship.
You're not dealing with some complex hardware or chipset...
it's way more complicated than that.
You're dealing with a person...
a human whose emotions and feelings are way too mixed, whose mind is very confused after their relationship with you collapsed which they expected to last forever.
How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back Tip 2 Forget what you've seen in the movies.
So Joe did these to get Jane back? - Bombarded her with text messages and emails - Kneeled and begged for forgiveness - Threatened to commit suicide - "Accidentally" bumped to her Get this: you're not in some chick flick movies.
You're in a real-life situation and you better treat it like it is if you're going to successfully learn how to get your ex to want you back.
I've seen friends, relatives, and random people do any or even all of the above and their ex-partners scurrying away from them feeling threatened and scared.
How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back Tip 3 Cry it out.
The emotional burden - the pain, anguish, guilt, and resentment...
I'd bet your experiencing torrents of these emotions right now.
And it's OK to cry it out.
I don't know who told you that this is a sign of weakness but he's definitely wrong.
Put it this way: you're crying to empty your self of the negative emotions it's overflowing with right now...
so that you get to fill them with positive ones next time around.
And even science seem to agree that crying is a good way of ridding yourself of the negativity and pain that is sticking to every part of you after the break-up.
After all, your life - your emotions, your happiness, and your future...
could depend on it.
It's kind of ironic that we have a lot of books or guides on how to repair your car, your malfunctioning computer, or how to unlock that newly bought iPhone but very little good instruction on how to get your ex to want you back.
No wonder a lot of people get this all wrong! They imitate what they see in the movies, try to figure things on their own, or do nothing at all when thinking on how to get your ex to want you back.
And the result: They blow up an already-shaky relationship which could've been salvaged have they done things right.
Worry not though, I'll be outlining some tips that would greatly help you steer things on the right direction when thinking on how to get your ex to want you back.
Understand? Good...
let's go.
How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back Tip 1 Keep a clear head.
A lot of people panic and go ballistic after a break up...
and they end on doing things that are even more destructive.
If fixing a computer requires a calm and focused mind, so does fixing a relationship.
You're not dealing with some complex hardware or chipset...
it's way more complicated than that.
You're dealing with a person...
a human whose emotions and feelings are way too mixed, whose mind is very confused after their relationship with you collapsed which they expected to last forever.
How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back Tip 2 Forget what you've seen in the movies.
So Joe did these to get Jane back? - Bombarded her with text messages and emails - Kneeled and begged for forgiveness - Threatened to commit suicide - "Accidentally" bumped to her Get this: you're not in some chick flick movies.
You're in a real-life situation and you better treat it like it is if you're going to successfully learn how to get your ex to want you back.
I've seen friends, relatives, and random people do any or even all of the above and their ex-partners scurrying away from them feeling threatened and scared.
How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back Tip 3 Cry it out.
The emotional burden - the pain, anguish, guilt, and resentment...
I'd bet your experiencing torrents of these emotions right now.
And it's OK to cry it out.
I don't know who told you that this is a sign of weakness but he's definitely wrong.
Put it this way: you're crying to empty your self of the negative emotions it's overflowing with right now...
so that you get to fill them with positive ones next time around.
And even science seem to agree that crying is a good way of ridding yourself of the negativity and pain that is sticking to every part of you after the break-up.