- 1). Choose two or more colors of embroidery floss. Cut eight to 10 pieces of embroidery floss, each 25 inches long. Depending on how many colors you select, you may have four to five strands of each color or even just one of each color.
- 2). Line up the strands side by side so they lay flat. Tie all the floss strands in an overhand knot about 3 inches from the ends. Securely tape the ends down to a table. If you do not have tape, you can also clip the ends onto a clipboard and place the clipboard between your legs to hold the strands tight as you do your knotting.
- 3). Look at your strings laid out flat. The string farthest on the left is number 1, the next string is number 2 and so on. Cross string number 1 over string 2, loop it under, hold string 2 tightly, and pull string 1. Repeat a second time so you have a double knot on string 2.
- 4). Continuing to use string 1, repeat Step 3 with the remaining strings. Continue until you have looped string 1 on all the other strings. String 1 should now be on the farthest right side of the strands, and string 2 should be on the far left.
- 5). Using string 2, repeat the knotting process you followed with string 1. Loop string 2 around each string into a double knot until you have made it through every string and it ends up on the far right side.
- 6). Repeat this process for all the strings until you reach the desired length of your bracelet or run out of floss strands.
- 7). Gather the floss strand ends, and tie them in an overhand knot to finish the bracelet.