- A CD wreath will reflect the colorful lights from a holiday tree.
Gather your collection of old CDs to make a holiday wreath for your door. Lay out eight to 12 CDs in a circle shiny side up, label side down. Using hot glue, adhere another layer of CDs to overlap the first circle and bind the wreath together. Continue layering CDs up to four layers. Add a shiny red or green ribbon to the top middle or bottom left side of the wreath and hang. - Add a circle of felt to the bottom of a CD and glue to create an inexpensive and useful coaster for your glasses or cups perfect for your desk. You can also use the CD to create a base for votive candles which not only protects your furniture but provides a reflective surface for flickering candle light.
- Make a small bowl or dish for plants or to catch jewelry or coins. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees and place a CD over the bottom of a small oven proof dish so that the CD will melt slowly over it. Keep an eye on the melting CD and remove from the oven and allow to cool. Place a small felt circle on the bottom of the CD to close the hole for use with jewelry.
- Use a hole punch and some fishing line to make attractive sun catchers to hang from trees or porches. Take a hand held hole puncher and poke a hole along one edge of the CD. Tie a piece of fishing line through the hole and hang from trees throughout your yard. Attach a longer piece of line to the CD and attach an additional CD to hang on the same line for more sparkle.
- Make a simple shiny clock using your old CD. Buy a clockworks set from your local hobby shop which will include hands and battery pack for a standard clock. Using a permanent marker or acrylic paints, mark standard numbers in a clock face pattern around your CD. Assemble the clockworks to fit through the hole in the middle of the CD. You may need to use a larger metal washer on the face side of the CD to hold the works tightly against the CD. Kids can make their own clocks by using cute stickers to decorate the face of the CD as well.
Base Designs
Melt It
Sun Catcher