- 1). Open your video in Quicktime Pro if you have a Mac, or Videora if you have a PC. Both programs allow you to convert videos into an iPod friendly format. (Videora is freeware, which you can download at its homepage. See Resources.)
- 2). If you're using Quicktime, click on "Export" under the File menu. You'll be presented with a window covering your options. Under the Export head, click on "Movie to iPod" (or "Movie to iPhone," if you want to use that particular piece of equipment). Make sure you note the destination of the new file, then click "Save."
- 3). If you're using Videora, click the appropriate selection under the "Convert" heading ("DVD," "Video File" or "Online Video"). When the new window comes up, select the mode you wish to use (Normal mode for new uses, Power mode for more advanced users). Then select the video you wish to convert, the output folder for it, the title, and the various conversion settings (Videora provides a prompter window for all of these functions.) Finally, click "Start Converting."
- 4). Wait a little while until the video file is converted. The exact length of time varies, but it may be several hours for long files.
- 5). Open iTunes and drag the converted file over to it. It should appear in the "Videos," "Movies," or "TV Shows" folder. Double-check to make sure it's there, and that it plays normally. (Videora should automatically transfer the file to iTunes for you).
- 6). Plug your iPod into your computer using the connecting cable which came with it. Select the little iPod symbol when it appears in your iTunes window. Click on the "Videos," "Movies," or TV Shows" tab in the main window. Make sure that either the "All movies," "All videos" or "All TV shows" button is clicked, or that the "Selected" button is clicked and the box next to your video is checked.
- 7). Push the "Sync" button in the lower right-hand side of the iTunes Window. Wait for the iPod to sync up.
- 8). Click the eject button next to the iPod symbol in the iTunes window, and disconnect the iPod when it prompts you. The video should now be on your iPod.