Are you asking yourself "how do I get her to love me again?" I'm going to go over a simple 3 step system that has worked for thousands of people, and it can work for you too.
You just have to promise to yourself to actually take action, as if you don't do anything then your situation will only get worse Step #1 - Break off communication & your entire presence from your ex girlfriend (Or whoever you want to get to love you again.
) You need to really do this step, because it sets up the plan for the future.
This step cannot be overlooked, as you need the "shock value" later on.
And the only way you'll get this shock value is by breaking off communication.
One major benefit of this is that your ex lover will begin to miss you, or at least be intrigued as to why you aren't calling or seeing her.
You will become a mystery, so to speak, which is always good.
Step #2 - Once you've broken off communication it's time to focus on you for a little.
Get yourself fixed up and change a few things.
Whether you want to get a new fashion look, a new hairstyle, new cologne, or anything similar - these things do wonders for getting your ex to love you again.
Also, take up a hobby, or re-visit a sport you used to play.
Hang out with some friends.
Basically occupy the time that you aren't seeing your ex with productive things that are beneficial to YOU.
A new look can do wonders, I advise just picking up a new style of fashion that you haven't before, that you think will be a positive change.
Step #3 - This is the most important step in answering the question "how do I get her to love me again?" What we're going to do here is basically re-introduce you to your ex in a delicate and casual way.
Because you've been such a mystery recently, chances are she will pick up your phone call.
So give her a quick call and keep it casual.
Talk about whatever, and try set up a casual date.
Nothing serious.
Coffee usually works pretty well as it's inherently a casual thing to do.
Once you have her out it should be easy to fix the "get her to love me again" problem, just go in with a plan.
You just have to promise to yourself to actually take action, as if you don't do anything then your situation will only get worse Step #1 - Break off communication & your entire presence from your ex girlfriend (Or whoever you want to get to love you again.
) You need to really do this step, because it sets up the plan for the future.
This step cannot be overlooked, as you need the "shock value" later on.
And the only way you'll get this shock value is by breaking off communication.
One major benefit of this is that your ex lover will begin to miss you, or at least be intrigued as to why you aren't calling or seeing her.
You will become a mystery, so to speak, which is always good.
Step #2 - Once you've broken off communication it's time to focus on you for a little.
Get yourself fixed up and change a few things.
Whether you want to get a new fashion look, a new hairstyle, new cologne, or anything similar - these things do wonders for getting your ex to love you again.
Also, take up a hobby, or re-visit a sport you used to play.
Hang out with some friends.
Basically occupy the time that you aren't seeing your ex with productive things that are beneficial to YOU.
A new look can do wonders, I advise just picking up a new style of fashion that you haven't before, that you think will be a positive change.
Step #3 - This is the most important step in answering the question "how do I get her to love me again?" What we're going to do here is basically re-introduce you to your ex in a delicate and casual way.
Because you've been such a mystery recently, chances are she will pick up your phone call.
So give her a quick call and keep it casual.
Talk about whatever, and try set up a casual date.
Nothing serious.
Coffee usually works pretty well as it's inherently a casual thing to do.
Once you have her out it should be easy to fix the "get her to love me again" problem, just go in with a plan.