- 1). Attach the red-and-white connectors on the RCA to mini-jack audio cable to the red-and-white audio output connectors on the cassette player. Plug the mini-jack of the RCA cable into the mini-jack audio input on the computer.
- 2). Download and install an audio recording program to the computer's desktop. For example, the free Audacity audio recording program works on both Macs and PCs (see link in Resources). Download and install an MP3 audio plug-in, such as the LAME MP3 encoder plug-in (see link in Resources). Restart the PC after both installations have been completed.
- 3). Double-click on the icon of the audio recording program to launch it. Select "Line-input" from the drop-down menu below "Devices" on the program's main screen. Adjust the volume-level slider on the program's main screen to 50 percent.
- 4). Turn on the cassette player and place the cassette that is to have its music transferred to the iPod into the tray, with Side 1 facing out. Close the tray.
- 5). Press the "Play" button on the cassette player. Press the "Record" button on the audio recording program's main screen. Press the "Pause" button on the audio recording program's main screen when the first side of the cassette has finished playing. Press the "Stop" button on the cassette player
- 6). Flip the cassette in the player tray and follow the same procedure to record the second side. Press the "Stop" button on the audio recording program's main screen when the second side of the cassette has finished playing. Remove the RCA to mini-jack audio cable from the cassette player and the computer.
- 7). Click on the "Output file" tab on the audio recording program's main screen. Navigate in the window that appears on the desktop of the computer. Click on "Open" at the bottom of the window to close the window.
- 8). Go to "File" and select "Export to MP3" from the drop-down menu. Name the MP3 file that is going to be made in the "Name" column at the top of the window that appears.
- 9). Click on "Save" at the bottom of the window to save the MP3 file to the desktop of your computer.
- 10
Attach the iPod connector of the iPod connection cable to the iPod. Attach the other end of the cable to a USB port on your computer. - 11
Double-click on the iTunes program's icon to launch it. Drag the MP3 file into the upper-left corner of the iTunes program. Wait as the MP3 file is copied into the iTunes library. - 12
Click once on the iPod icon that is below "Devices" in the iTunes program. Click on the "Music" tab at the top of the iTunes program. Click on the check box next to the MP3 file that is beneath the "Playlists" tab. - 13
Click on the "Sync" button at the lower-right corner of the iTunes program. Wait as the MP3 file is transferred to the iPod. - 14
Right-click on the iPod icon when the MP3 file has been transferred. Select "Eject" from the pop-up menu. Disconnect the iPod connection cable from the iPod and the USB port of the computer.