Losing your boyfriend is not nice and can cause you to become depressed and lose interest in other important things, sometimes you feel like you are going crazy.
I know all about this because it happened to me not too long ago.
I would like to tell you a few things that I found to be the most important in getting back together.
I learned the hard way that you must keep a cool head.
I carried on like an idiot, I called all of the time, sent messages, I wrote Emails, and I even went to his home and banged on his door.
"He can't do this to me" I told myself in fits of despair.
I even went on the internet, thinking I just might be able to get some sort of help.
That move was to change everything, I found a book on the subject that gave me lots of information and techniques that I could try on him and things that I could do about myself.
After reading it through a couple of times the new ME emerged I learned taking a step back is vital, keep right away from him for a while and do some solid thinking.
The most important thing we must ask ourselves is "Do I want him back?" really that is, not just to save face or embarrassment but really want him back.
Then we must find out why we broke up, keep an open mind and not automatically blame him.
I say this because as I found out there always is blame on both sides.
The real reason may be a little difficult to find but find it we must So that it can be fixed Keeping away from any contact for about a month turned out to be the best thing to do, As well as giving me time to think it also gave him time to a lot of soul searching.
When I did finally contact him again I did it in a very casual manner, no pushing, nothing urgent.
Let him think that "maybe she is doing just great without me.
" When meeting again we must do so in a positive manner, be well dressed and well groomed to present a new person with a new manner.
If you have just lost your boyfriend, there is help available, you are certainly not alone.
I know all about this because it happened to me not too long ago.
I would like to tell you a few things that I found to be the most important in getting back together.
I learned the hard way that you must keep a cool head.
I carried on like an idiot, I called all of the time, sent messages, I wrote Emails, and I even went to his home and banged on his door.
"He can't do this to me" I told myself in fits of despair.
I even went on the internet, thinking I just might be able to get some sort of help.
That move was to change everything, I found a book on the subject that gave me lots of information and techniques that I could try on him and things that I could do about myself.
After reading it through a couple of times the new ME emerged I learned taking a step back is vital, keep right away from him for a while and do some solid thinking.
The most important thing we must ask ourselves is "Do I want him back?" really that is, not just to save face or embarrassment but really want him back.
Then we must find out why we broke up, keep an open mind and not automatically blame him.
I say this because as I found out there always is blame on both sides.
The real reason may be a little difficult to find but find it we must So that it can be fixed Keeping away from any contact for about a month turned out to be the best thing to do, As well as giving me time to think it also gave him time to a lot of soul searching.
When I did finally contact him again I did it in a very casual manner, no pushing, nothing urgent.
Let him think that "maybe she is doing just great without me.
" When meeting again we must do so in a positive manner, be well dressed and well groomed to present a new person with a new manner.
If you have just lost your boyfriend, there is help available, you are certainly not alone.