- 1). Allow the hot wax to completely cool. Rub an ice cube directly over the wax to harden it.
- 2). Scrape the wax off the fabric with a dull knife. Remove as much wax as possible with the dull knife.
- 3). Apply a pretreatment dry-cleaning solvent directly to the remaining stain. Gently rub the solvent into the fabric. Keep the solvent on the fabric for the time recommended by the product manufacturer.
- 4). Fill a spray bottle with hot water. Spray hot water onto the stain to rinse out the solvent.
- 5). Apply a couple drops of liquid laundry detergent directly to the stain. Scrub the stain with a clean toothbrush.
- 6). Launder the fabric in a washing machine. Follow the directions on the fabric's care tag. Add all-fabric bleach to the wash if the fabric contains dye stains from the wax. Use the amount of bleach recommended by the product manufacturer.
- 7). Allow the fabric to air-dry. Repeat the process if the stain still remains.