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What Is a T-Storm?

    Top Killers

    • Flash flooding, strong winds, hail and tornadoes are some of the dangers associated with T-storms. Lightning is also a danger and is present in all thunderstorms. It causes around 93 deaths and 300 injuries a year. Tornadoes result in an average of 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries a year. Flash flooding is the most dangerous event resulting from a T-storm with about 140 fatalities each year.

    What Not to do during a T-Storm

    • Tornado cloud forming.Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images

      During thunderstorms, people should avoid hilltops, water and tall trees because of potential lightning strikes. They should not drive during any flash flooding that occurs, because people in automobiles are particularly at risk of being trapped in their car and swept away in high water. People should also not take shelter in cars or mobile homes during the tornadoes that may occur during some thunderstorms.

    If Caught Outdoors

    • Remember the "flash to crash" rule: When it is under 30 seconds from when you see the flash of lightning until you hear the crash of thunder, get inside to proper shelter. Proper shelter is a building grounded with electric wires and plumbing. Do not golf when a T-storm approaches. Avoid metal fences, bleachers, light poles, bus stops, picnic shelters and uncovered tractors or vehicles, including golf carts. Sometimes, if lightning is going to strike you, it will give you a few seconds warning. You may hear a "kee-kee" sound, your skin may feel tickly, small metal objects may vibrate and your hair may stand on end. If you are in a thunderstorm and experience any of these things, you may incur less damage from the lightning if you assume the lightning crouch. This is only to be used as a last resort and is not considered proper shelter. To do the lightning crouch, squat down with your feet together then tuck your head and cover your ears. Do not lay down. If you are with others and see their hair stand on end, spread out quickly and do the lightning crouch. The lightning may miss one or more of you and those who are missed can give first aid.

    Watches and Warnings

    • A severe thunderstorm watch tells you where and when a thunderstorm is likely to be. You need to keep a close eye on weather conditions outside and also stay tuned to any further weather advisories. A severe thunderstorm warning means that storms have been spotted or have been seen on radar. When you hear this warning, it means there is an imminent danger. Also listen for tornado watches and warnings and flash flood watches and warnings and follow the instructions given.

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