Breaking up with a person you used to and still love so much is never easy.
It is not only painful but it also entails insecurity and confusion.
There could be two situations in a break up.
One is when your ex initiated the break and the other is when you yourself presented reasons for your relationship to fall apart.
The second situation, experts say, is more difficult because there could be guilt and a lot of regret.
Sometimes everything is going on perfectly but we just wake up one day wanting to be separated from our partner because we are too overwhelmed or suffocated with so much love and care that is given to us.
This is something so unfair to our partner and the bad thing is that we only realize the important role that he or she is playing in our loves after he has been out of our lives.
Then we want to rekindle our relationship and revive things on how it was in the past.
Getting back with an ex is a rough road that you have to take.
There are however so many ways that you can take to make things right once again.
The first thing you can do is to first give yourself as well as your partner enough time to make things sink in.
Do not contact your ex anytime soon because the flare of both your emotions can ruin your plan on winning him back.
While you are in the cooling off stage, try focus on other things.
It could be a hobby, your job or your friends, anything to keep busy and keep your mind off the break up.
This will also give your ex the idea that you can cope without him.
After some time, open the communication line with your ex once again.
Talk things out and try to resolve all our issues one at a time.
Try to reach a compromise like a change in both your attitudes and perception on things.
This is also a good time to bring back the old times when you weren't too busy to listen to each other's stories, even the most mundane.
More importantly, both of you will remember the qualities that you fell in love with about each other.
Finally, don't hesitate to send signal of how much you want him or her back.
Invite him for a friendly date or something and there let him know that you still love him or her.
Maybe your ex is also just waiting for you to say the words straight.
That will not make you a lesser person.
Besides, there is no room for too much pride because you are trying to bring back a relationship here.
Nevertheless, be yourself and play it cool.
It is not only painful but it also entails insecurity and confusion.
There could be two situations in a break up.
One is when your ex initiated the break and the other is when you yourself presented reasons for your relationship to fall apart.
The second situation, experts say, is more difficult because there could be guilt and a lot of regret.
Sometimes everything is going on perfectly but we just wake up one day wanting to be separated from our partner because we are too overwhelmed or suffocated with so much love and care that is given to us.
This is something so unfair to our partner and the bad thing is that we only realize the important role that he or she is playing in our loves after he has been out of our lives.
Then we want to rekindle our relationship and revive things on how it was in the past.
Getting back with an ex is a rough road that you have to take.
There are however so many ways that you can take to make things right once again.
The first thing you can do is to first give yourself as well as your partner enough time to make things sink in.
Do not contact your ex anytime soon because the flare of both your emotions can ruin your plan on winning him back.
While you are in the cooling off stage, try focus on other things.
It could be a hobby, your job or your friends, anything to keep busy and keep your mind off the break up.
This will also give your ex the idea that you can cope without him.
After some time, open the communication line with your ex once again.
Talk things out and try to resolve all our issues one at a time.
Try to reach a compromise like a change in both your attitudes and perception on things.
This is also a good time to bring back the old times when you weren't too busy to listen to each other's stories, even the most mundane.
More importantly, both of you will remember the qualities that you fell in love with about each other.
Finally, don't hesitate to send signal of how much you want him or her back.
Invite him for a friendly date or something and there let him know that you still love him or her.
Maybe your ex is also just waiting for you to say the words straight.
That will not make you a lesser person.
Besides, there is no room for too much pride because you are trying to bring back a relationship here.
Nevertheless, be yourself and play it cool.