- 1). Remove the art print from its frame to determine its condition. If it cannot be removed from its cardboard backing, the options for repurposing the print may be somewhat more limited.
- 2). Fill in any faded areas of the print with common craft items like watercolors, pastels, colored pens or pencils, or paint. These same items can also be used to change or pump up the colors of prints.
- 3). Mat the print in a coordinating or complementary-colored mat that is either smaller or larger than the original print. This will likely require you to reframe the print as well.Premade matting can be purchased at most craft stores. It is also possible to make your own with colored cardboard or plain cardboard and textured or printed paper or fabric. Just cut out the center of the mat that will frame the print. Then adhere the paper or fabric to the matting with a type of glue that's appropriate to the material you're using.
- 4). Crop the print in a new way, eliminating unnecessary or unwanted background or to bring the focus to a particular aspect of the print. Since this will change the print size, you will have to either reframe the print in a smaller-sized frame or mat it.
- 5). Cut out your favorite aspects of the print and use them along with other prints to form a new art collage. Use innovative shapes and decorative edging to make each cutout more interesting to the eye.
- 6). Use cutout pieces of the art print to decorate a scrapbook or photo-album cover or page.
- 7). Decoupage pieces of the art print onto decorative trays, vases, boxes, picture frames or other household items. You can do this easily with a simple craft product called Modge Podge.
- 8). Cut out pieces of the art print and use them to make handmade greeting cards for family members and friends. Use fabric and textured papers to make the cards unique and one-of-a-kind. Write a poem for the inside that is in keeping with the artwork.
- 9). Use the print as the back of a shadowbox that will hold collectibles.