- 1). Cut a piece of embroidery floss or yarn 4 inches long if you want a short tassel pom pom, or 8 inches long if you want a long tassel pom pom. The tassel pom pom will hang from this strand; when it is attached to the hat, it will be three-quarters of the length you cut. The 4-inch length will hang down 3 inches, and the 8-inch length will hang down 6 inches.
- 2). Thread this piece of yarn or floss on a yarn needle, and sew it through the hat where you want the tassel pom pom. Remove the needle. Pull the thread so three-quarters of it hangs on one side and one-quarter of it hangs on the other side. Tie the two pieces together in a knot.
- 3). Choose the colors of embroidery floss or yarn you want for your tassel pom pom. Make it from one solid color or use multiple colors in each pom pom.
- 4). Wrap the yarn around the cardboard square 20 times. If you want multiple colors, wrap each color around the cardboard several times for a total of 20 wraps. Slide the yarn or embroidery floss off the cardboard. Cut a straight line across the roll of yarn or floss to makes 20 even 4-inch pieces.
- 5). Put the hat on a flat surface, and lay the strings hanging off the hat to one side. Lay the 4-inch pieces in a neat stack on a flat surface, and tie the center together using a small piece of yarn or floss.
- 6). Fold the stack in the center, and with the loose ends hanging down, lay the stack 1 inch from the bottom of one of the strings hanging off the hat. Tie the folded stack of yarn tightly onto the string 1/4 inch from the top of the pom pom. Use any kind of knot, but make it tight.
- 7). Make several more pom poms, and attach them at different positions on both of the strings. Trim off any excess yarn or floss. Put a drop of super glue on top of each knot and let it dry. This keeps the knot from coming loose.