- A vertical vine is a design that appears to be growing up and around your arm or leg. It can swirl around your limb in a random pattern or a calculated one, though a seemingly random pattern is more in keeping with a vine's natural appearance. Consider adding basic leaves and flower buds throughout the design to give it a richer and fuller quality or even bushels of purple or yellow grapes for a wine theme.
- While the most popular and overused tattoo bands are tribal and barbed wire, the less generic and fresher take on the design can be a basic vine, swirling in a single loop around your biceps, forearm, calf or thigh. The vine can have a definite start and endpoint, be tied together, growing in a crisscross pattern or in opposite directions or be on an infinite loop, meaning the two ends match up together.
- Choose a single word or short phrase that has significance for you and allow your tattoo artist to develop a vine font. The script will appear as a vine wrapped in a particular way to form letters. Each letter can have its own vine, or a single vine can form the entire word in a cursive style. This will be a thick and detailed font, so the script itself should be somewhat limited to stave off a jumbled appearance.
- If you already have an existing tattoo or a design idea to which you want to add some decoration, consider infusing a vine. The vine can grow around the design, hanging down onto it in certain areas, or be completely incorporated into the design, wrapping around it and becoming a major factor in the tattoo. Lively, well-pruned vines will add beauty to a tattoo, while an overgrown and weathered hanging vine will add an aged feel.
Vertical Vine
Vine Band
Vine Script
Vine Decor