To truly learn how to win your ex back, you have to start by taking a good look at yourself.
What I mean by this is that you really need to be completely honest about the reasons that you want to save this relationship.
For example, were the two of you really happy together? If not, there is really no reason for you to learn how to win back your ex.
If there was excessive arguing, abuse or if your partner was mentally unstable you really should let this one go and move on with your life.
Examine the bad times as well as the good times before you make the decision to go forward with this.
If you have made the decision to learn how to win back your ex there are a few simple tips that you should follow.
These will go a long way in helping you achieve your desired goal.
Limit the contact you have with him.
If he sees you as clingy or desperate, you will only push him away.
When you do see him, be nice.
Let him remember all of the qualities that made him fall in love with you in the first place.
Sooner or later the two of you will need to meet up and talk.
How to win back your ex at this point is to keep a cool head and keep the conversation as pleasant as possible.
Make it easy for him to talk to you.
It can be all too easy for one of you to start finding fault with the other or assigning blame.
The worst thing that can happen here is for another argument to get started.
Your goal is to get him back, not to be right.
I am not saying that you should beg or plead.
You absolutely should not.
Just try to put your best foot forward.
It is OK to have to eat a little crow or to bite your tongue a little bit if it gets you where you want to be.
What I mean by this is that you really need to be completely honest about the reasons that you want to save this relationship.
For example, were the two of you really happy together? If not, there is really no reason for you to learn how to win back your ex.
If there was excessive arguing, abuse or if your partner was mentally unstable you really should let this one go and move on with your life.
Examine the bad times as well as the good times before you make the decision to go forward with this.
If you have made the decision to learn how to win back your ex there are a few simple tips that you should follow.
These will go a long way in helping you achieve your desired goal.
Limit the contact you have with him.
If he sees you as clingy or desperate, you will only push him away.
When you do see him, be nice.
Let him remember all of the qualities that made him fall in love with you in the first place.
Sooner or later the two of you will need to meet up and talk.
How to win back your ex at this point is to keep a cool head and keep the conversation as pleasant as possible.
Make it easy for him to talk to you.
It can be all too easy for one of you to start finding fault with the other or assigning blame.
The worst thing that can happen here is for another argument to get started.
Your goal is to get him back, not to be right.
I am not saying that you should beg or plead.
You absolutely should not.
Just try to put your best foot forward.
It is OK to have to eat a little crow or to bite your tongue a little bit if it gets you where you want to be.