- Drivers are used by the operating system to run various hardware components connected to the computer. If a driver is out of date, unforeseen errors can occur. Download and apply any driver updates for the computer's video and sound cards. The drivers can often be optained from the website of the component's manufacturer. Installing the latest drivers can prevent many crashes.
- Programs and games rely on a set of tools included in the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime library redistributable. If the library is out of date, missing or corrupted, a runtime error will occur. The latest version of the redistributable can be downloaded from Microsoft. Download and run the redistributable package to fix errors related to a bad library. In addition to the runtime library, Atari has released several updates for "Roller Coaster Tycoon 3" that fix several sources of crashes and add a few engine enhancements. The latest version of the game may not experience the same crashes as an older release.
- SecurRom is a form of copy protection that is used by many games, including "Roller Coaster Tycoon 3," to ensure that a legitimate copy of the game is being run. In some cases the copy protection software can develop errors and cause runtime errors. Download and run the analyzer tool available from SecuRom. Once installed and ran, the SecuRom Analyzer will search for potential issues and conflicts that can be corrected. Following the Analyzer's instructions may clear up runtime crashes.
- Windows Vista tries to protect users from malicious software. In doing so it sometimes restricts required resources from programs and games, creating errors. Compatibility Mode and Administrator Mode allow the game to run with virtually unlimited access to system resources. Right-click on the shortcut for "Roller Coaster Tycoon 3" and select "Properties" from the contextual menu. Click the "Compatibility" tab from the top of the menu. Enable the checkbox at the top of the menu and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" from the drop-down list. Click "OK" at the bottom of the window. When starting the game, right-click on the shortcut and select "Run as Administrator" from the contextual menu. The game will start as normal.
Compatibility Mode