- 1). Apply an absorbent material such as powder, cornstarch or baking soda. This will get down into the fibers of the fabric or wood grain of your furniture and draw out excess oil.
- 2). Wait a few minutes to make sure that the powder absorbed all that it could.
- 3). Use a vacuum and nozzle attachment to suck up the absorbent powder. Do not brush it off. This will drag the oil across areas that were not stained and might push the powder into fibers where they cannot be removed.
- 4). Use a soapy mix of liquid dish detergent and water. Apply with a sponge or rag. Wring the sponge out. There is no need to apply too much water. Scrub the stained area then use a clean cloth with just water to rinse off. Allow to dry and evaluate the stain.
- 5). Try a grease remover on furniture fabric. Spray on and let it sit for a few minutes and then scrub lightly with a damp rag. Allow it to dry. Do not use this on wood furniture, and it is a good idea to test the cleaner in an unseen area on fabric to make sure it doesn't cause discoloration.
- 6). Sand down the wood until you go below where the stain is. If it is something like a table, you will need to do this for the entire piece of wood, such as a top panel or leg, so that it will match. Then re-stain so that it matches the rest of the furniture.