- 1). Thread a yarn tail through the eye of the tapestry needle. Insert the point of the needle through about 2 to 3 inches of the crocheting and pull the yarn through to weave it in. Clip off any excess yarn flush with the crocheting. Repeat the same process with each yarn tail to weave them all into the crocheting.
- 2). Spread one or more large bath towels out onto a firm surface, a carpeted floor or bed. Place the crocheting onto the towel and spread it out so it is the size and shape you desire. Use the tape measure, if necessary, to measure the crocheted piece and arrange it to match the desired finished size. As you arrange the crocheted piece, pin it to the towel to hold it securely.
- 3). Saturate another bath towel and wring it out thoroughly. Spread the bath towel over the pinned crocheted piece. Leave the crocheting undisturbed to dry.
- 4). Remove the top towel after it dries and unpin the crocheted item. Sandwiching the crocheted item between the towels is an effective "blocking" method that will help give the finished work a professional and even appearance.