- One of the interesting factors in "Crash Test Dummy: Curling" is achieving the greatest possible speed in the car before hitting the wall. Using the space bar, shift gears as the RPM gauge climbs toward the red line. To launch your dummy at high speed, hit the space bar as accurately as possible when it crosses the white line. The closer you get to the white line, the better, and ideally, after you reach sixth gear, your RPMs will nearly reach the white line again before you hit the wall.
- Once you impact, you will have another option: direction of flight. This choice determines how your crash test dummy will fly through the air toward the target. If you choose an angle that is too high, the dummy will go far up, but won't achieve enough distance to reach the target. If you choose to go low, the dummy will hit the floor and lose a great deal of momentum to friction. The best way to ensure that you reach the target is to pick an angle that will maximize flying time and direction. Most successful launches are made at an angle of 45 degrees, which results in the longest range and least air resistance. This angle gives you a straight launch to the target and minimizes the contact you have with the ground for the longest time.
- Games like "Crash Test Dummy: Curling" are difficult to master, no matter how specifically you follow the steps above. The only way to improve your score is to practice and see what works out best for your playing style. Quick reactions are important for the gear shifting phase, and a good understanding of how the game’s physics work is vital for the launch. Both of these skills can be honed with practice.
- If you really want to exploit "Crash Test Dummy: Curling," the only way to cheat at the game would be to reprogram it from the Flash file. The program is open and can be modified in whatever ways the programmer desires. To do this, you need a knowledge of Flash programming. By manipulating the program, you can adjust the gravity and the physics behind the launch, allowing the dummy to fly much farther than before, or make the game more difficult for yourself.
Correctly Reaching Maximum Speed
Angle of Launch
Practice Makes Perfect
Hacking the Program