You and your ex have split, at least for the moment, and you are desperate to get your ex back.
But please, listen when I tell you not to make those common, yet fatal, relationship errors that so many make the push their partners to the brink and ruin any chances of reconciliation.
If you continually call, text, or email your ex, begging and pleading, this is only going to further irritate your ex and make them think you are pathetic.
You must take things slowly if you want to get your ex back.
The first thing you MUST do is leave them alone for a little while.
You are both feeling pretty emotionally intense at the moment and any attempts to communicate at this point and time will only lead to angry words and rejection.
Because your emotions are running so high, you have become fixated on trying to get your ex back.
Just remember, the argument that led to the breakup was bad enough, the last thing you want to do to get your ex back is to push them and make them feel justified in their decision to end the relationship, not question it.
You cannot force your way or beg your way back into your partners heart.
Before they can even CONSIDER getting back together, they must be allowed to have time to work through the negativity of the breakup.
They need time to move past the hurt and evaluate the relationship in order to determine whether it is worth salvaging or not.
There were reasons for your split and this will need to be addressed during your time apart, otherwise, even if you do get your ex back, you are likely to run into the same problems all over again.
This can only end in heartbreak.
This is the time where you need to look deep within yourself to determine where you played a part in the demise of the union.
Work on these areas so that when your opportunity comes, you can truly show your ex that you have changed.
The alone time will allow you to get over your hurt feelings and work towards fixing the errors that led to the dissolution of the relationship.
Once you've had some time to think things over, you can begin to works towards a point in time where you have your emotions under control.
In order to get your ex back, you must be clear headed, make the changes you need to make, or your attempts to get your ex back will only end in failure.
But please, listen when I tell you not to make those common, yet fatal, relationship errors that so many make the push their partners to the brink and ruin any chances of reconciliation.
If you continually call, text, or email your ex, begging and pleading, this is only going to further irritate your ex and make them think you are pathetic.
You must take things slowly if you want to get your ex back.
The first thing you MUST do is leave them alone for a little while.
You are both feeling pretty emotionally intense at the moment and any attempts to communicate at this point and time will only lead to angry words and rejection.
Because your emotions are running so high, you have become fixated on trying to get your ex back.
Just remember, the argument that led to the breakup was bad enough, the last thing you want to do to get your ex back is to push them and make them feel justified in their decision to end the relationship, not question it.
You cannot force your way or beg your way back into your partners heart.
Before they can even CONSIDER getting back together, they must be allowed to have time to work through the negativity of the breakup.
They need time to move past the hurt and evaluate the relationship in order to determine whether it is worth salvaging or not.
There were reasons for your split and this will need to be addressed during your time apart, otherwise, even if you do get your ex back, you are likely to run into the same problems all over again.
This can only end in heartbreak.
This is the time where you need to look deep within yourself to determine where you played a part in the demise of the union.
Work on these areas so that when your opportunity comes, you can truly show your ex that you have changed.
The alone time will allow you to get over your hurt feelings and work towards fixing the errors that led to the dissolution of the relationship.
Once you've had some time to think things over, you can begin to works towards a point in time where you have your emotions under control.
In order to get your ex back, you must be clear headed, make the changes you need to make, or your attempts to get your ex back will only end in failure.