Health & Medical Lose Weight

Are You Dieting Too Hard?

Many people now a day's find themselves more frustrated with dieting than anything else.
You start off full force with healthy eating, exercising, positive energy and thinking nothing can get in your way now! Then something goes wrong at work, you have a fight with a friend or loved one, or just the stress of everyday life comes upon you and you can't take anymore.
That's when the tormenting starts to begin.
First thing that happens is your natural instinct as to what you normally do when you're in this situation, which of course is comfort food! What's one cookie going to hurt when you've just had the day you've had? No one knows that you ate that cookie so why can't you just start fresh again the next day.
Suddenly one day becomes another day and another day! That positive attitude that you once had starts to dwindle away.
Then you start going to all those negative thoughts about how you won't be able to lose the weight, keep yourself from eating those chips or cookies defeat comes your way before you even get going.
Then follows the exercise, there is no point in exercising if everything was going back to the same way it was before.
Exercising is the easiest part to give up because it does take motivation to get you going every day.
Exhausted yet??? It's a vicious cycle that we torment ourselves with because not only do we do this to ourselves once but multiple times over and over again.
Here's the problem with this type of dieting system, you actually end up gaining more weight than you lose! Yo yo diets throw your system all over the place.
When you start to lose weight not only are you losing weight but muscle mass as well (that's why it's important to exercise while dieting so you can build your muscle mass back to normal).
Then when you start to gain the weight back all you're gaining is fat and no muscle mass.
If you end up at the same weight you were before your diet then you've actually added more fat to your body than what was there before.
So as you can see from this pattern I've shown you our biggest problem is mind over matter.
We think that if we just will it away it will work.
It doesn't work this way! Cravings are our body's way of telling us that were in need of something.
By just trying to ignore it will only work for so long before you just crash and burn one more time.
Instead of continually going through this cycle why not try understanding your body and how it functions instead of what society is telling us to do.
Our bodies our like cars, we have a lot of parts we know nothing about.
You can't fix a car by guessing (well you can but it'd be a disaster!) you need a professional that understand how a car runs and what all the parts our so they can fix the problem properly.
Our bodies are the same, it is an amazing creation that has a lot of different parts and without understanding how it works you won't be able to fix the problem.
No one person is the same so why should dieting be any different? Understanding that your body is different from anyone else is your first step in changing how you diet.
I know that I've said this in other articles but I don't like to use the word diet! Losing weight, eating healthy, exercising is a lifestyle change.
It's going to make your body a healthier, happy place to be.
You shouldn't look at it as dieting but as a change for a stronger, healthier you.
It's defiantly going to take some time to change and of course you might even eat something that won't be healthy for you.
At that point don't give in because you ate something wrong just correct yourself and get back on track to the healthy you.
There are reasons why we need different grains, proteins, nutrients, etc...
in our body's.
If you start reading and understanding how your body functions it should make you look at food in a different way.
Which in turn should help you eat healthier, and with the proper foods in your system it will help you feel full and satisfied.
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