Health & Medical Lose Weight

WiFi Bathroom Scale for a High Tech Bathroom

We used to step on clunky bathroom scales not so long ago. Do you remember the thick, ugly scale at the corner of your bathroom that gets stuck often? Yes, that's the one. It will soon be replaced by modern Wi-Fi bathroom scales. These bathroom scales have beauty with brains to match.

First, let us talk about beauty. These modern Wi-Fi bathroom scales simply look gorgeous. They have ultra-sleek design that could have come from Apple's headquarters in Cupertino. It won't look out of place beside the iPhone and the iPad. You can call it the iScale if you want to, but Mr. Jobs might not be very happy with that. The Wi-Fi bathroom scales are artfully made from tempered glass and elegant aluminum. The available colors are nothing short of classy.

Second, let's talk about brains. These modern wonders sure are intelligent. They can automatically store your weight, percent body fat, and body mass index, or BMI. In addition, these Wi-Fi bathroom scales can record not only your set of data but also that of your family. It can handle up to eight users. Since it stores each person's data, it can identify who is currently stepping on it based on previous data. Is this awesome, or what?

Like most beautiful and intelligent people, these Wi-Fi bathroom scales do not lack social skills. They can communicate wirelessly to your computer or other wireless devices like an iPhone or an iPad. If you have a password-protected website or an iPhone app, you can then track your progress wherever you may be. It is also possible to synchronize your data with Google Health. If you feel like sharing your accomplishment, you can include it in your Facebook or Twitter update. That should motivate you to stick to your weight loss program because your friends will give you a friendly poke if the numbers start climbing instead of reducing.
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