Health & Medical Lose Weight

A Bodybuilding Diet For Weight Loss

A little known fact is that a bodybuilder eats almost as many times as an overweight person.
Some bodybuilders sometimes eat more than 8 times a day! However, whereas the overweight person looks flabby, the weightlifter looks trim and healthy.
Many would attribute this to the fact that the bodybuilder works out at the gym, but a substantial factor must be attributed to the weightlifter's diet.
A bodybuilding diet consists of food that is high in casein proteins such as cheese and milk, high on calories, but low in starch, fatty stuff and sugar and lots of water.
A bodybuilder who weighs about 200 lbs may even drink an average of 12 glasses of water a day when working out.
The water dilutes the sugar in the blood and makes it easier for the body to get rid of it before it turns into fat.
They usually stay away from potatoes and other starchy carbohydrates, but consume 1.
5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Thus, a bodybuilder who weighs around 200 kg would normally consume around 300 grams of protein in a day! In order to do this, the dieter has to divide the total by 40 or 50 grams, which is the recommended intake per sitting; and in order to follow this recommended intake, the 200 kg bodybuilder will have to have at least 6 meals a day.
Of course, all these proteins, calories and nutrients will be burnt off when the bodybuilder does his workouts, but knowing the difference in what to eat could be beneficial to someone planning to lose weight through exercise but just cannot stop eating more than 5 meals in a day.
So if you're trying to lose that flab, try going into a healthy bodybuilding diet if you want to lose your fat without having to starve yourself.
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