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Pregnancy Stretch Marks

    What are Stretch Marks?

    • Stretch marks are the visible signs (often silvery-white or darker lines) of the skin being stretched beyond its elasticity level. Dermatologists refer to stretch marks as striae. They appear on the areas where the skin stretched, which during pregnancy includes the stomach and hip area, as well as breasts and thighs. While not very attractive, stretch marks are not painful or detrimental to your physical health.


    • Preventing stretch marks is not entirely possible, but there are steps expectant mothers can take to make the skin more pliable and elastic, thus reducing the appearance of stretch marks before they appear.
      Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Hydration is very important in maintaining the skin's elasticity.
      Moisturize your skin liberally. The hormone fluctuation caused by pregnancy can wreak havoc on the skin's moisture levels.
      Massage areas where stretch marks are likely to appear daily with a washcloth. This will increase circulation to these areas, helping keep the skin healthy and pliable.
      Take your prenatal vitamins. They are designed to address the areas that pregnant women need help with, including helping your skin.

    When Stretch Marks Appear

    • Even if you take all the steps to prevent stretch marks, it is still likely that some will appear during your pregnancy. Don't despair, because the preventative measures you have already taken will carry over to help ensure that your stretch marks are not as bad as they would have been. Continue to hydrate, moisturize and take your vitamins. All of the prevention steps will benefit existing stretch marks as well as helping prevent new ones from forming.

    Postpartum Treatments

    • After giving birth, you can apply topical creams designed for stretch marks. These creams contain ingredients that will help to fade the scarring and heal the skin. Most over-the-counter stretch-mark creams contain some form of Vitamin A, which helps repair and strengthen the skin.

    Other Treatments

    • If your stretch marks from pregnancy are a major problem for you, there are more serious treatments that you can discuss with your dermatologist. These include chemical peels, laser treatments and light therapy.
      Keep in mind that while stretch marks caused by pregnancy may seem unsightly, they are also a badge of pregnancy that new mothers can carry proudly, along with their new bundle of joy.

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