Health & Medical Lose Weight

Weight Loss For a Wedding Tips - Small Changes = FAST Weight Loss

Tip #1 = A cup of green grapes is very filling and you can stretch them out over an hour or two.
Tip #2 = Switch to a smaller plate - use your salad plate for your dinner plate.
This works! Tip #3 = 10 - 15 Frozen chocolate chips nip your chocolate urge in the bud.
Tip #4 = Switch to a no calorie drink and drop the soda.
Most important step.
Tip #5 = Try 1/2 Wendy's baked potato topped with 1/2 small chili + side salad + LF dressing.
It's all about portion control and listening to your body.
You know when you are just stuffing yourself, come on.
If you try to chew more and slow down while you are eating, your stomach will have time to tell you that it's had enough.
This is still hard for me to do so I try to imagine the size of my stomach...
someone said it was the size of my fist (it's got to be bigger).
I pick out a bowl or a plate that I think will fill my stomach and that's what I use to limit what I eat.
If I'm still hungry in an hour I can always eat again.
The object is to eat less.
Anyway, if you use a smaller plate you won't tend to put so much into your stomach.
Don't go back for seconds or you will waddle down the aisle! Don't worry about what you can't eat so much but worry about adding what you should be eating...
the fruits and vegetables.
I find if I try hard to get the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables into my day that I'm not hungry for the junk.
Makes sense.
Plus if I drink the 6-8 oz of water per day I'm really doing good and not craving McDonald's.
Look in the back of the Betty Crocker Cookbook as to what is a portion or serving.
One serving of fruit or vegetables = 1/2 banana, 1/4 cantaloupe, 12 grapes or cherries, 1 cup berries, 1 apple, or 1/2 cup cooked vegetables.
It's easy to work these in...
1/2 cup of a vegetable is not hard to eat or fix.
Remember FRENCH FRIES are not in the vegetable department! McDonald's has a very nice side salad for only $1, ask for the Newman's LF Italian Dressing.
I buy these and take them home.
They are fresh and I don't like to cut up vegetables.
Lazy I guess.
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