Health & Medical Lose Weight

Twelve Best Diet Tips For Effective Weight Loss

Most people who are planning to go on a diet are afraid to begin simply because they don't know where to start.
We are continuously bombarded with fad diets, weight loss secrets, tips and advice, dos and don'ts that we no longer know which ones to follow and which ones to believe.
The answer is easy, read through our list of best diet tips and follow only the ones you can.
It is understood that shifting your diet isn't as easy as it seems.
But it would help to give yourself a little push and do it, one step at a time.
Start adding a serving of fruit or vegetable to your daily food portions.
Get used to it and begin adding one more serving gradually until you reach 8 to 10 servings per day.
It would help to eat at least a couple of fruit and veggie servings per meal.
Make sure to eat your meals in smaller portions.
Never engage in mindless eating.
This is when you sit in front of the television and stuff potato chips in your mouth non stop.
Always remember to eat purposefully by peeling or unwrapping the food, sit and eat.
Do not gobble like a cookie monster.
Eat slowly and make smaller bites.
This allows your digestive system to properly absorb the food.
Never skip breakfast, it should be your biggest meal.
Afterwards, you'll find that you won't be eating as much throughout the day.
Allow for half of your plate to be taken up by vegetables both during lunch and dinner.
If you're also thinking of ways to cut down on your calorie intake, this list of best diet tips shows you how it's done.
Use the rule of halves.
If you're eating something with high calorie content, make sure you consume only half of the regular serving size.
This way, you're able to satisfy your cravings but at the same time consume only half the calories.
When dining out, eat part of your meal and bag the rest to take home.
A regular restaurant serving size contains more or less 2,000 calories which is more than what you need in a whole day.
Eat using a salad plate and not a dinner plate.
Salad plates are smaller and give the illusion of holding a big amount of food when filled.
Put everything you eat on a plate so you can see just how much you are eating.
Eating directly from the jar or bag may cause you to eat more than you intend to since you have no idea how much you've already consumed.
Limit your intake of fruit juice.
Studies have shown that juice has more calories and sugar than the fruit itself.
If you're looking for the juicy zest from citrus fruits, eat the fruit itself and don't just go for the juice.
Be very conscious of your stomach while eating.
Even when your mind tells you to eat more just because the food tastes so good, check if your stomach has had enough.
You don't want to stuff yourself until you can barely breathe or stand up.
While you may find this list helpful, the best diet tips will still come from your physician.
It would pay to make a consultation before starting with any diet program as they can assess your body's condition and can state whether or not it is safe for you to go on such diets.
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