Every mom knows the trouble of losing weight after pregnancy or after having a baby. During pregnancy, a woman increases her weight from 15 to 25 kilos. Every inch of gained weight gets stored in her waistline. Later on, it is difficult to cut down the waist and come back to original shape. Though just after childbirth, a woman can lose from 5 to 7 kilos, yet that is not enough for her to get fit into her old trousers.
The most important thing that a mom needs to understand is that, gaining of 15 to 25 kilos during pregnancy is a gradual process and thus a gradual reduction of the same is very important. You cannot expect to come to your original shape within a month. It may take 5 to 6 months to come down to a standard weight. However, she should be conscious with her activities within this span of time so that she can cut down the extra baggage.
After childbirth, a woman should start exercising after a month if it is a normal delivery; and after 3 months if it is a caesarean. However, with new responsibilities of the baby, it becomes hard to find some extra time for exercise, But, if you really want to come back to a good shape, you must know to manage it. Though the baby will keep you engaged in various tasks, yet you need to take out some time to exercise, as it will help you in losing weight faster. The initial 6 months are very vital and can give you effective results.
Breastfeeding is another activity that helps woman loses a lot after pregnancy. You need to eat goo??? Good food to breastfeed the child. The more you feed the child, the more calories you burn. At the same time the child also get good nourishment, that will help the baby all through her life. Offer only your milk to your baby for a period of six months. Do not get apprehensive about it. After six months, you will miraculously lose your extra weight and with regular exercises, you can aim at a better figure too.
The most important thing that a mom needs to understand is that, gaining of 15 to 25 kilos during pregnancy is a gradual process and thus a gradual reduction of the same is very important. You cannot expect to come to your original shape within a month. It may take 5 to 6 months to come down to a standard weight. However, she should be conscious with her activities within this span of time so that she can cut down the extra baggage.
After childbirth, a woman should start exercising after a month if it is a normal delivery; and after 3 months if it is a caesarean. However, with new responsibilities of the baby, it becomes hard to find some extra time for exercise, But, if you really want to come back to a good shape, you must know to manage it. Though the baby will keep you engaged in various tasks, yet you need to take out some time to exercise, as it will help you in losing weight faster. The initial 6 months are very vital and can give you effective results.
Breastfeeding is another activity that helps woman loses a lot after pregnancy. You need to eat goo??? Good food to breastfeed the child. The more you feed the child, the more calories you burn. At the same time the child also get good nourishment, that will help the baby all through her life. Offer only your milk to your baby for a period of six months. Do not get apprehensive about it. After six months, you will miraculously lose your extra weight and with regular exercises, you can aim at a better figure too.