- 1). Plug a soldering iron into a power outlet and allow it to heat up for at least 15 minutes.
- 2). Apply solder to the tip of the heated soldering iron, a process known as "tinning." This will help ensure a clean soldering joint. Wipe away any excess solder onto a small, moist sponge.
- 3). Remove about 3 inches of insulation from the end of an instrument cable with a utility knife. This will expose the two insulated wire leads inside the cable.
- 4). Remove any paper wrapping around the exposed leads of the instrument cable and separate the leads from one another.
- 5). Strip approximately 1 inch of insulation from the ends of each of the exposed leads.
- 6). Place the tip of one of the leads in the center of a piezo pickup and hold it in place with the tip of the soldering iron. Allow the iron to heat the connection for a few seconds.
- 7). Apply solder to the connection, avoiding contact with the tip of the iron.
- 8). Remove the iron when the solder melts onto the connection, securing the lead to the center of the pickup. Repeat this process with the remaining exposed lead on the surface of the element near the element's edge.