When you buy a computer power supply, it is necessary to carry out selection in accordance with the following parameters. Like this Toshiba A205-S4777 AC adapter, here present you more information about these parameters.
Weight can be good measure to the quality of the Toshiba A205-S4777 AC adapter. Namely, a good supply of good quality has steel shell. Generally speaking, good material adapter are thick and heavy. Power internal parts, such as transformers, heat sinks are at the same weight. Good power supply heat sink should be used in aluminum or copper heat sink, and the greater the cooling effect of the volume is better. Basically, good power supply, usually has some additional components to enhance the safety factor, so the weight will naturally increase. Poor power supply will be cut out of some capacitors and coils, relatively light weight.
Another key part is the power transformer. A simple way to judge is to look at the size of the transformer. The general location of the transformer is in the two heat sink which, according to common sense. 250W power supply of the winding diameter is not less than 28MM; 300W power supply not less than 33MM, can use a ruler to measure the length of the outside, you can really do not know the material is. Current through the transformer, the rectifier output through the output coil. In the current output, you can see rectifier output coil, most vendors use the code to 10262 and 130 626 two, 250W power supply rectifier output coils should not be less than 10 262 of the rectifier output coil. 300W output power of the rectifier coil should not be less than 130,626 of the rectifier output coil. Capacitor in the power supply next to vertical, there will be a black bridge rectifier, while others are used instead of 4 diodes.
By the way, there are some more parameters to judge Toshiba A205-S4777 AC adapter. According to the time and the space limits, this time we just share the two points. Next time we can talk more about them.
Weight can be good measure to the quality of the Toshiba A205-S4777 AC adapter. Namely, a good supply of good quality has steel shell. Generally speaking, good material adapter are thick and heavy. Power internal parts, such as transformers, heat sinks are at the same weight. Good power supply heat sink should be used in aluminum or copper heat sink, and the greater the cooling effect of the volume is better. Basically, good power supply, usually has some additional components to enhance the safety factor, so the weight will naturally increase. Poor power supply will be cut out of some capacitors and coils, relatively light weight.
Another key part is the power transformer. A simple way to judge is to look at the size of the transformer. The general location of the transformer is in the two heat sink which, according to common sense. 250W power supply of the winding diameter is not less than 28MM; 300W power supply not less than 33MM, can use a ruler to measure the length of the outside, you can really do not know the material is. Current through the transformer, the rectifier output through the output coil. In the current output, you can see rectifier output coil, most vendors use the code to 10262 and 130 626 two, 250W power supply rectifier output coils should not be less than 10 262 of the rectifier output coil. 300W output power of the rectifier coil should not be less than 130,626 of the rectifier output coil. Capacitor in the power supply next to vertical, there will be a black bridge rectifier, while others are used instead of 4 diodes.
By the way, there are some more parameters to judge Toshiba A205-S4777 AC adapter. According to the time and the space limits, this time we just share the two points. Next time we can talk more about them.