Did your girlfriend break up with you over something that could have been resolved if she would have listened to you? Are you frustrated because she won't return your phone calls or text messages? Do you really want your girlfriend back but you don't know what to do? If you've found yourself in this situation, you have two options.
You can beg and plead with your girlfriend and hope that she finally listens to you.
Or you can leave things alone for a while and get her to call you.
Doesn't the second option sound better? The trick to getting your girlfriend to call you and say she wants to get back together is that it uses reverse psychology.
After all, you know that you love your girlfriend and you want her back.
But she thinks that the grass is greener with someone else, or that she needs to teach you a lesson by breaking up with you.
Right now, whether or not you get back together is up to her.
So she has all of the control.
If you show your girlfriend that you aren't going to play games, and that you still love her but you don't need her to get on with your life, it will shock her.
How do you do that? You stop calling her.
Don't text her anymore.
Don't send her emails or messages on Facebook.
Just leave her alone for a week or two.
This technique will drive your girlfriend crazy, and will be step one to getting her back.
She'll wonder why you aren't following her every move, begging her to come back.
And she will start to think that you're moving on.
And she'll have to contact you.
She'll probably come up with an excuse, like she thinks she left something at your place.
Then you can use that opportunity to make your move!
You can beg and plead with your girlfriend and hope that she finally listens to you.
Or you can leave things alone for a while and get her to call you.
Doesn't the second option sound better? The trick to getting your girlfriend to call you and say she wants to get back together is that it uses reverse psychology.
After all, you know that you love your girlfriend and you want her back.
But she thinks that the grass is greener with someone else, or that she needs to teach you a lesson by breaking up with you.
Right now, whether or not you get back together is up to her.
So she has all of the control.
If you show your girlfriend that you aren't going to play games, and that you still love her but you don't need her to get on with your life, it will shock her.
How do you do that? You stop calling her.
Don't text her anymore.
Don't send her emails or messages on Facebook.
Just leave her alone for a week or two.
This technique will drive your girlfriend crazy, and will be step one to getting her back.
She'll wonder why you aren't following her every move, begging her to come back.
And she will start to think that you're moving on.
And she'll have to contact you.
She'll probably come up with an excuse, like she thinks she left something at your place.
Then you can use that opportunity to make your move!