Saving your relationship may sound like an impossible feat right now.
And for most people, it is.
But that's only because they fall into the "victim" trap - the trap that has you going "I'm lost without you - please come back.
" In this article, you will learn how to become part of that small, exclusive group of people who are able to restore their relationships to their former glory - simply by paying attention to a few, important things that most people would never think of.
We're not talking about a magic pill here - nor playing games that will have your ex coming back within a week.
Those things may work, but your ex would end up leaving you very shortly thereafter when they see that nothing has changed.
Nope, we're talking lasting, wonderful changes.
Let's get you started with the basic rules you must follow in order to achieve this: Spend some time alone Your soon-to-be-lover-again (aka your ex) isn't the only one who needs space right now.
You need it just as badly, whether you realize it or not.
So take some time to yourself.
This can be a wonderful time for you if you let it.
Go out with friends, watch movies - do the things that make you smile - basically have a blast, secure in the knowledge that you will be permanently back with him/her before you know it.
Go out and be that person your ex fell in love with, because if you don't, you'll remain the person he/she dumped.
Right now, you are not the person your ex fell for.
Think about it - if you were, you would still be together.
It's virtually impossible for your ex to want you back unless you can become who he/she fell in love with again.
This can only be achieved by relaxing and enjoying yourself.
That's what you did when you first met.
When you are back in good communication with your ex, here is your next step: Focus on him/her - not you.
Maybe your ex needs to spend more quality time with you - or perhaps she/he needs more space.
Or any other thing - all dependent on your dynamic.
The point is that it is essential that you ask your ex what their needs are.
When you do, more often than not, you'll be surprised at what their needs are, as in most cases, people's needs are so humble that you'll wish you'd have asked sooner.
Third on our list, and just as important: Grant your ex some space Most of us just want to call/text/e-mail or contact our ex in any way we can after a break up.
It hurts, and all we want is the sweet relief of holding our ex in our arms again.
It's natural.
However, it's never a good idea.
As a matter of fact, it's the perfect way of ruining any chances of getting back together again.
When your ex wants to get in touch with you, you'll be the first to know.
For now, just back off.
It's all part of the plan for getting him/her back.
And for most people, it is.
But that's only because they fall into the "victim" trap - the trap that has you going "I'm lost without you - please come back.
" In this article, you will learn how to become part of that small, exclusive group of people who are able to restore their relationships to their former glory - simply by paying attention to a few, important things that most people would never think of.
We're not talking about a magic pill here - nor playing games that will have your ex coming back within a week.
Those things may work, but your ex would end up leaving you very shortly thereafter when they see that nothing has changed.
Nope, we're talking lasting, wonderful changes.
Let's get you started with the basic rules you must follow in order to achieve this: Spend some time alone Your soon-to-be-lover-again (aka your ex) isn't the only one who needs space right now.
You need it just as badly, whether you realize it or not.
So take some time to yourself.
This can be a wonderful time for you if you let it.
Go out with friends, watch movies - do the things that make you smile - basically have a blast, secure in the knowledge that you will be permanently back with him/her before you know it.
Go out and be that person your ex fell in love with, because if you don't, you'll remain the person he/she dumped.
Right now, you are not the person your ex fell for.
Think about it - if you were, you would still be together.
It's virtually impossible for your ex to want you back unless you can become who he/she fell in love with again.
This can only be achieved by relaxing and enjoying yourself.
That's what you did when you first met.
When you are back in good communication with your ex, here is your next step: Focus on him/her - not you.
Maybe your ex needs to spend more quality time with you - or perhaps she/he needs more space.
Or any other thing - all dependent on your dynamic.
The point is that it is essential that you ask your ex what their needs are.
When you do, more often than not, you'll be surprised at what their needs are, as in most cases, people's needs are so humble that you'll wish you'd have asked sooner.
Third on our list, and just as important: Grant your ex some space Most of us just want to call/text/e-mail or contact our ex in any way we can after a break up.
It hurts, and all we want is the sweet relief of holding our ex in our arms again.
It's natural.
However, it's never a good idea.
As a matter of fact, it's the perfect way of ruining any chances of getting back together again.
When your ex wants to get in touch with you, you'll be the first to know.
For now, just back off.
It's all part of the plan for getting him/her back.