- Using up leftover dabs of acrylic paint, place the paint in small paper cups and add enough water to make the paint the consistency of heavy cream. Remove the top from the balls and use an eyedropper to place a small amount of paint inside the ball. Tilt the ball back and forth, swirling the paint around inside the ball, but not covering the entire surface. Add the next color and repeat. Keep in mind that the paints will mix and create other colors. If you do not want red and blue mixing and turning purple inside the ball, let it dry between colors. Dry by placing upside down on pieces of paper towel and replace the top when completely dry.
- After removing the top from the ball, you can fill it with a variety of small items. The items must be lightweight and small enough to fit in the hole but can include feathers, potpourri, miniature silk flowers or flower petals, lace, glitter or tinsel. Once filled, replace the top, tie a ribbon around it and make a bow.
Paint Swirls
Filled Balls