So you want to know how to speed up your computer? I understand how you feel - I have experienced the same problem.
In fact my computer was running so slow, I discovered it only had 512 mega bytes of random access memory, a processor speed of 1.
0 mega hertz and a 40 mega hertz hard drive.
It would take 3-4 minutes to boot up when I turned it on.
I knew the problems affecting my computer was because it was 8 years old.
But I have a secret for you..
and it is this: The central processing unit - this determines the speed of your software, how fast it loads and how fast it runs.
If it is slow like my computer, you could think something else could be the problem, but it probably never entered your mind the central processing unit may be affecting the operating speed of your software.
The random access memory could be another factor that determines computer speed.
My computer was so slow, it took forever for my software to load and to function.
A new computer can have as much as 16 mega bytes of random access memory.
If your lack of memory is similar to mine..
this affects processing speed.
I could not run more the 2-3 software programs at once and leave them open.
This is called multitasking.
If you are experiencing this same problem..
this is another factor that could be affecting your computer speed also.
I want you to think about this..
if your computer is running slow and is 5-8 years old, you should consider these three factors.
See if the central processing unit can be upgraded speeding up your software operating speed.
See if the random access memory can be increased that will also speed up your operating speed.
If both can be increased..
your multitasking will improve and your computer will run faster.
However, if #1 & #2 cannot be upgraded or increased, it may be time to consider purchasing a new computer.
In fact my computer was running so slow, I discovered it only had 512 mega bytes of random access memory, a processor speed of 1.
0 mega hertz and a 40 mega hertz hard drive.
It would take 3-4 minutes to boot up when I turned it on.
I knew the problems affecting my computer was because it was 8 years old.
But I have a secret for you..
and it is this: The central processing unit - this determines the speed of your software, how fast it loads and how fast it runs.
If it is slow like my computer, you could think something else could be the problem, but it probably never entered your mind the central processing unit may be affecting the operating speed of your software.
The random access memory could be another factor that determines computer speed.
My computer was so slow, it took forever for my software to load and to function.
A new computer can have as much as 16 mega bytes of random access memory.
If your lack of memory is similar to mine..
this affects processing speed.
I could not run more the 2-3 software programs at once and leave them open.
This is called multitasking.
If you are experiencing this same problem..
this is another factor that could be affecting your computer speed also.
I want you to think about this..
if your computer is running slow and is 5-8 years old, you should consider these three factors.
See if the central processing unit can be upgraded speeding up your software operating speed.
See if the random access memory can be increased that will also speed up your operating speed.
If both can be increased..
your multitasking will improve and your computer will run faster.
However, if #1 & #2 cannot be upgraded or increased, it may be time to consider purchasing a new computer.