So you've just encountered a break-up.
I'm not going to tell you I know how you feel, because only you knows how you feel.
I can tell you I have been in a similar situation before.
I got dumped by my girlfriend about 6 months ago; and miraculously I got her back.
Want to hear a few tips on how I got her back in a month? Tip One - Stay out of contact with your ex.
Ever hear of the old saying, "You never miss something till its gone?" That's exactly what you need to do, you need to give you're ex a reason to miss you.
They can't if you keep calling them and harassing them, can they? Tip Two - Take a vacation from heart-ache.
You need to start the healing process ASAP.
Chances are that you just won't have much of a clue what to do with out your ex, so what can you do? Re-connect with old friends, focus more on your work or your career, renew an old hobby, get a membership at a gym, generally anything that could help you get over your heartache.
Getting a membership at a gym is a great idea because working out not only releases endorphins, it makes you feel better about yourself.
Just make sure to avoid depression at all costs.
Tip Three - Do a little soul-searching and straighten out a few things in your life.
Evaluate your relationship and seriously ask yourself if you made a mistake and you want your ex back? Since its hard to make a clear decision when you are still emotionally unstable after your breakup, one thing you could do is make a list of negatives and positives of your past relationship.
Sort your list out and decide whether or not your relationship is worth getting back in line.
Also, this exercise will help you find problems that could have been fixed, and might be fixed in the future.
Tip Four - If you have come to realize that your ex is a right for you, then its time to get on the path to getting them back.
Or maybe not.
Either way, hopefully this read has been helpful.
Your words and actions in the days and weeks following a break up can impact any chance you have of ever getting back together with your ex.
Don't make a mistake that will cost you a future with the person you love.
Acting solely on impulse can result in you causing even more damage to the relationship.
If you strongly believe that you are meant to be with your lover and you want them back, these are methods that will get your ex back.
You can have your lover back if you learn exactly what you need to do now before things get any worse.
I'm not going to tell you I know how you feel, because only you knows how you feel.
I can tell you I have been in a similar situation before.
I got dumped by my girlfriend about 6 months ago; and miraculously I got her back.
Want to hear a few tips on how I got her back in a month? Tip One - Stay out of contact with your ex.
Ever hear of the old saying, "You never miss something till its gone?" That's exactly what you need to do, you need to give you're ex a reason to miss you.
They can't if you keep calling them and harassing them, can they? Tip Two - Take a vacation from heart-ache.
You need to start the healing process ASAP.
Chances are that you just won't have much of a clue what to do with out your ex, so what can you do? Re-connect with old friends, focus more on your work or your career, renew an old hobby, get a membership at a gym, generally anything that could help you get over your heartache.
Getting a membership at a gym is a great idea because working out not only releases endorphins, it makes you feel better about yourself.
Just make sure to avoid depression at all costs.
Tip Three - Do a little soul-searching and straighten out a few things in your life.
Evaluate your relationship and seriously ask yourself if you made a mistake and you want your ex back? Since its hard to make a clear decision when you are still emotionally unstable after your breakup, one thing you could do is make a list of negatives and positives of your past relationship.
Sort your list out and decide whether or not your relationship is worth getting back in line.
Also, this exercise will help you find problems that could have been fixed, and might be fixed in the future.
Tip Four - If you have come to realize that your ex is a right for you, then its time to get on the path to getting them back.
Or maybe not.
Either way, hopefully this read has been helpful.
Your words and actions in the days and weeks following a break up can impact any chance you have of ever getting back together with your ex.
Don't make a mistake that will cost you a future with the person you love.
Acting solely on impulse can result in you causing even more damage to the relationship.
If you strongly believe that you are meant to be with your lover and you want them back, these are methods that will get your ex back.
You can have your lover back if you learn exactly what you need to do now before things get any worse.