- An important consideration when it comes to painting brass is making sure it is actually brass. Not everything that looks like brass is actually made from this alloy. Cheaper objects might substitute a different metal for brass and alter that alloy to make it look like brass. The easiest way to check if it is brass is by placing a magnet on it. Brass is not magnetic, so if it does not stick, then there's a good chance it is brass. If the magnet sticks, then it is a different metal that has been made to look like brass. The paints that work on this alloy or metal might be different from the ones that work on brass.
- The paint used by auto body shops is intentionally very durable and resilient. Cars have to endure temperature changes, water and other conditions that would quickly remove most other kinds of paints. You can use auto body paint to cover brass very effectively. However, economically it is only worthwhile with larger projects, such as brass beds. Auto body paint requires special equipment and skill for application, so it is not something most people can do themselves. Most auto body shops do paint other items on request, which would be the easiest way to use this type of paint.
- Polyurethane paint works differently from most other kinds of paints in that it functions more like a coating. The polyurethane paint forms a plastic-like surface when dried. It is stronger and more resilient than most other types of paints, which removes the flaking issues normally seen on brass.
- Spray paint is usually overlooked for use with brass because it does not bond well to it. However, spray paint can be a viable option with some brass objects. Spraying a clear coat over the spray paint provides a degree of protection and can prevent it from flaking off. The spray paint is still not going to bond very well to the brass, but if the item will not be handled much, spray paint looks good visually and the clear coat minimizes the issues caused by poor bonding. You should not use spray paint on any object that is going to be handled or used regularly. The clear coat provides some protection, but eventually usage causes it to wear away.
Brass or Not
Auto Body Paint
Polyurethane Paint
Spray Paint