Technology Electronics

Sanyo TV Problems: Picture Blinking

    Plasma Pixels

    • If your Sanyo TV has a plasma screen, it could be causing a flickering due to the ways the pixels in the screen work. With plasma screens, pixels are made up of gases that are trapped between two pieces of glass. When the television sends an electronic stimulus through the pixels, they light up and create an image. If you are sitting close to the screen, it may blink at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. Usually sitting back farther away from the television fixes this problem.

    Power Interference

    • Another potential cause of the blinking on your screen is interference from the power supply. If the electrical power that you have on the circuit has several other appliances on it, it could cause problems when multiple items are being run at the same time. To fix this problem, buy a power-conditioning add-on for the back of your set. This product levels out the power getting to the television so as to minimize this problem.

    Refresh Rate

    • The refresh rate of the television could also cause problems while viewing. The television's video feed is actually a series of pictures flashed on the screen at a rate so fast that you can't see it with your naked eye. If something is wrong with the refresh rate on the television, it could be noticeable in some cases. When the refresh rate is slow enough, it can also cause motion blur, which is visible when something fast moves across the screen.

    Back Light Problems

    • If you have a liquid crystal display,or LCD, TV, it relies on a backlight to eliminate the image on the screen. If the backlights go out or start to have problems, it could cause a flicker or blinking on the screen itself. To fix this problem, you could take the television apart and change the lights, but if you are unfamiliar with this procedure, it is best to leave it up to a professional.

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