We all have been through a break up at some point in our life.
Some of us are lucky to gain back the trust and love of the ex while some of us are not so lucky and need a bit of help.
In this article are proven steps on getting back with the ex.
First step is not to make contact with your ex post haste, or atleast not until you have completed these methods of getting back with an ex.
Constant calling and visiting will not boost your chances especially if your ex is upset with you.
This constant calling can be beneficial in some cases but in most it is seen as a pestering gesture if anything.
Your ex may even view you as a stalker and we wouldn't want that now would we? If you so happen to work in the same are or building a casual hi will do, making them think is good.
Second step is to analyze.
Now is the time to sit and analyze the relationship you had with your ex.
This step is all about finding the positive things which made your relationship with your ex strong and also the things which made it fail.
Remember we're trying o figure out how to get back with your ex so keep the mind open as to avoid being biased when you put all 'cards out on the table'.
Did you do something wrong make sure to think what caused it and not do it again.
If you think the other person is at fault, make sure to try and figure out what led to the situation and not end up in that situation again.
Most break ups happen by not understanding each other, so its time to do a little search within.
This step is all about change but be careful not to go and change your personality.
If you want to get back with an ex you have to remember that your ex fell in love with you and not the person you may become if you change everything.
So this change is about changing the attitude or the things that caused the relationship to break apart.
So if all you think you need are some small changes then go ahead and rectify the situation but keep in mind..
Next step is to go out and have some fun, you read right go enjoy.
By having a day out with friends is a sure way to get the confidence levels back up in your system.
Also by having fun also reminds the ex the type of person you are and seeing you enjoy life without them will make them think if leaving you was such a good idea.
Exercising and doing some sort of sport is also a good way to make yourself happy.
The last step is to make a slow and steady move when you finally contact your ex.
All these steps that you have been completing are actually ways of giving you time to prepare mentally and/ physically to talk to your ex.
Having the confidence of having fun instead of crying will give you an edge when you speak to the ex.
You will be thinking clearly and not say things that will stir up an argument or worse, awkward silence.
Making contact should be casually if you work in the same area or see each other often invite them out to a friendly cup of coffee or lunch and yes you can call now.
If you haven't seen them in along while then casually bumping into them by 'accident' is a nice way to say hello and start a conversation.
Some of us are lucky to gain back the trust and love of the ex while some of us are not so lucky and need a bit of help.
In this article are proven steps on getting back with the ex.
First step is not to make contact with your ex post haste, or atleast not until you have completed these methods of getting back with an ex.
Constant calling and visiting will not boost your chances especially if your ex is upset with you.
This constant calling can be beneficial in some cases but in most it is seen as a pestering gesture if anything.
Your ex may even view you as a stalker and we wouldn't want that now would we? If you so happen to work in the same are or building a casual hi will do, making them think is good.
Second step is to analyze.
Now is the time to sit and analyze the relationship you had with your ex.
This step is all about finding the positive things which made your relationship with your ex strong and also the things which made it fail.
Remember we're trying o figure out how to get back with your ex so keep the mind open as to avoid being biased when you put all 'cards out on the table'.
Did you do something wrong make sure to think what caused it and not do it again.
If you think the other person is at fault, make sure to try and figure out what led to the situation and not end up in that situation again.
Most break ups happen by not understanding each other, so its time to do a little search within.
This step is all about change but be careful not to go and change your personality.
If you want to get back with an ex you have to remember that your ex fell in love with you and not the person you may become if you change everything.
So this change is about changing the attitude or the things that caused the relationship to break apart.
So if all you think you need are some small changes then go ahead and rectify the situation but keep in mind..
Next step is to go out and have some fun, you read right go enjoy.
By having a day out with friends is a sure way to get the confidence levels back up in your system.
Also by having fun also reminds the ex the type of person you are and seeing you enjoy life without them will make them think if leaving you was such a good idea.
Exercising and doing some sort of sport is also a good way to make yourself happy.
The last step is to make a slow and steady move when you finally contact your ex.
All these steps that you have been completing are actually ways of giving you time to prepare mentally and/ physically to talk to your ex.
Having the confidence of having fun instead of crying will give you an edge when you speak to the ex.
You will be thinking clearly and not say things that will stir up an argument or worse, awkward silence.
Making contact should be casually if you work in the same area or see each other often invite them out to a friendly cup of coffee or lunch and yes you can call now.
If you haven't seen them in along while then casually bumping into them by 'accident' is a nice way to say hello and start a conversation.