When you want to get a girlfriend back, you have to use some methods that make use of human/female psychological behavior patterns.
I know that this doesn't sound easy, but you don't have to study psychology and try to come up with methods - there already ARE such methods, and they have been proven countless of times to work.
They worked on my girlfriend and they will work on your girlfriend if done correctly.
They will get your girlfriend back, period.
Let me then give you three tips that are worth their weights in gold when it comes to getting a girlfriend back.
Stop begging, stop apologizing, stop sending her cute gifts.
Apologizing and gift sending are for times when you're still together but have problems.
They will only make your ex be more fed up with you - because you will be harassing her all the time with all those "I'm sorry, I really apologize, please come back!" type text messages.
I cannot stress this enough - this is THE way that utilizes human psychology and uses it to your advantage at a maximum level.
Human psychology has always been "if you can't have something, you want it more".
Well, your girlfriend now exactly knows she could have you any time she wanted, since she's the one that left.
But how about you turn the tables on her; and say that you now actually agree with the breakup? This instantly makes you unreachable, since your girl now thinks that she can't have you any more even if she wanted.
Invoke her curiosity.
This again uses the fundamental law of "if you can't have something, you want it more".
This time, you will be denying your girlfriend some information which she will want to reach out of sheer curiosity (girls are curious creatures).
So for example you can say that "something has happened to you and she won't believe it!" and connect it with your acceptance of the breakup.
She now thinks "what could have happened to this guy and have changed his mind so dramatically?" You're going to deny her that info - and she will desire it even more.
I know that this doesn't sound easy, but you don't have to study psychology and try to come up with methods - there already ARE such methods, and they have been proven countless of times to work.
They worked on my girlfriend and they will work on your girlfriend if done correctly.
They will get your girlfriend back, period.
Let me then give you three tips that are worth their weights in gold when it comes to getting a girlfriend back.
Stop begging, stop apologizing, stop sending her cute gifts.
Apologizing and gift sending are for times when you're still together but have problems.
They will only make your ex be more fed up with you - because you will be harassing her all the time with all those "I'm sorry, I really apologize, please come back!" type text messages.
I cannot stress this enough - this is THE way that utilizes human psychology and uses it to your advantage at a maximum level.
Human psychology has always been "if you can't have something, you want it more".
Well, your girlfriend now exactly knows she could have you any time she wanted, since she's the one that left.
But how about you turn the tables on her; and say that you now actually agree with the breakup? This instantly makes you unreachable, since your girl now thinks that she can't have you any more even if she wanted.
Invoke her curiosity.
This again uses the fundamental law of "if you can't have something, you want it more".
This time, you will be denying your girlfriend some information which she will want to reach out of sheer curiosity (girls are curious creatures).
So for example you can say that "something has happened to you and she won't believe it!" and connect it with your acceptance of the breakup.
She now thinks "what could have happened to this guy and have changed his mind so dramatically?" You're going to deny her that info - and she will desire it even more.