Wilt Resistant Tomato Plants
Wilting of tomato plants is confusing if you don't understand what causes tomato plants to wilt. Tomato plant wilting may be the result of an error on the part of the gardener or a viral source.
Wilting of tomato plants is confusing if you don't understand what causes tomato plants to wilt. Tomato plant wilting may be the result of an error on the part of the gardener or a viral source.
The Cheyenne pecan (Carya illinoinensis 'Cheyenne') is a variety of pecan well-suited to grow in Texas except in the northern panhandle. Most pecans are sold and acquired as bare-root plants, although infrequently a container-raised tree is available. Plant trees that are between 4 and 8 feet in hei
Hydroponic plants are those that grow indoors without soil. If hydroponic tomatoes are planted and fed properly, they can produce just as well -- if not more -- than soil-based plants. Hydroponic plants are still prone to plant diseases and problems.
According to Eileen Powell's "The Gardener's A-Z Guide to Growing Flowers from Seed to Bloom," people who live in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 4 through 7 must dig up their canna plants and store them indoors over the winter. That comprises most of the United States. In Zones 8 to 10,where they are na
The hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is an evergreen coniferous tree that was introduced to the United States around 1860. The tree is commonly grown for timber in Japan, though it is also enjoyed as an ornamental plant across the globe.
Evergreen are plants that do not lose the majority of their leaves during the winter months, but instead stay green throughout the year. Most evergreens have spiny needles, or rounded leaves that landscapers use as decorative shrubs. Evergreens propagate from hardwood or softwood cuttings. Take soft
Stink bugs can be a serious problem in your home, and not just because they let off a disgusting scent. Stink bugs can also carry nasty germs and dirt into your house if they are allowed to roam freely around your residence. Knowing what attracts stink bugs is vital if you are going to get rid of th
Moringa pterygosperma, also known as the horseradish tree, is a small to medium tree that produces ferny foliage, pale yellow, fragrant flowers and long seed pods. Most of the tree, including the roots, which taste like horseradish, are edible. The leaves are used as greens while the bark and roots
Although calla lilies don't get the same notoriety as a fragrant, large-bloom Easter Lily, the simple, single-petal flower is a fan of brides, florists and West Coast gardeners. Available in white, purple, pink, yellow and red, calla lilies make a colorful addition to a cut floral arrangement or a s
When choosing flowers some gardeners select the longest blooming flowers.flowers image by Erg??n ?--zsoy from Fotolia.comPlanting the longest blooming flowers can make a garden stay colorful longer. With colors ranging from white to purple, your garden can look as colorful or as...
Plum trees with severely damaged branches are not necessarily facing an imminent and early demise. Although it is possible to save a plum tree that has been damaged, it is unlikely that a limb that has sustained injury to its branches will be capable of producing fruit later in the season.
Although algae and moss serve a purpose in certain environments, they are not beneficial when growing between paver stones. Moisture retained between pavers provides an environment conducive to the growth of algae and moss. But these living organisms can make pavers slippery and cause injury. Removi
Plants serve people in almost countless ways. In landscape design, besides providing beauty, sometimes plants are used to screen houses from each other or from unsightly elements such as light poles or utility meters. They can act as a fence or shield a window from view, adding privacy to a home. Th
Creeping charlie, or Glechoma hederacea, is a low-growing weed that commonly invades homeowners' lawns and gardens. Although creeping charlie grows best in moist, shaded lawns, it can also become a problem in sunny areas if the grass is thin. Creeping charlie also goes by the names of ground ivy and
Honey is fat free, high in natural sugars and contains several important vitamins and minerals. While honey is readily available in almost any grocery store, you can get it for free by harvesting it directly from a beehive. Not only is this method free, but the honey typically tastes better, contain
Manual pollination in a greenhouse for such vegetables as tomato plants can become extremely time consuming. Bumble bees provide the greenhouse caretaker with a natural pollination choice. Robust bees can pollinate almost 100 percent of the tomato plants within a greenhouse, according to the Nationa
Poorly drained, wet sites pose challenges to those who wish to plant shrubs or trees. Not many species thrive in such conditions, as excessive water in the soil displaces oxygen and suffocates plants' roots. Fortunately, some trees and shrubs tolerate or even prefer wet sites and grow well in watery
Peach trees (Prunus persica) are native to China but have naturalized in the United States, especially in the southern region. Growing peaches in the home landscape is satisfying, but requires a fair amount of work, especially in the northeastern climate. Peaches like a hot and dry environment; cold
The shrub forms of Hypericum, or St. John's wort, grow 3 by 3 feet. They bear yellow blooms followed by berries that turn orange, then red, then black. Many are fine choices for part shade -- for example, an area dappled by the leaves of deciduous trees, or on the north side of a house.
Peat bogs are unique habitats that are home to many species of plants and animals.bog's eyes 2 image by Yuri Timofeyev from Fotolia.comPeat moss is an organic natural resource made up of partially decomposed vegetation. In the northern hemisphere, peat is in high demand for horticultural...