- When choosing flowers some gardeners select the longest blooming flowers.flowers image by Erg??n ?--zsoy from Fotolia.com
Planting the longest blooming flowers can make a garden stay colorful longer. With colors ranging from white to purple, your garden can look as colorful or as monochromatic as you choose. Long blooming flowers will keep your flower gardens full of color from the first signs of summer until well into fall. The hearty plants that are the longest blooming flowers allow for fresh bouquets to brighten up the interior as well. - Day lilies provide splashes of yellow to your gardenyellow day lilies image by Mike & Valerie Miller from Fotolia.com
For longest blooming flowers, the day lily continues to bloom time after time. They are available in a number of colors and can be added to any garden for long blooming color. Hardy day lily varieties such as Stella d'Oro and Happy Returns will bloom long into the season providing varies shades of yellow to highlight your garden. The day lily blooms from May until September. - Lavender adds fragrance to your surroundings.lavendar farm image by Mike & Valerie Miller from Fotolia.com
As fragrant as it is beautiful, lavender will keep your garden colorful throughout the blooming months. Lavender blooms much longer than other flowers while adding texture and a beautiful fragrance to the air. The lavender plants vary in shape from wispy stems to thick and full. Lavender can be used as a border or as a filler in any flower garden. Lavender will bloom from June until September. - Black-eyed Susans reseed themselves.black-eyed susans image by Carbonbrain from Fotolia.com
This long blooming flower comes into bloom in June and will continue into October. Available in yellow and orange it provides a nice contrast in color to the purple Lavender. Black-eyed Susans will seed themselves year after year. Although they do not need to be thinned out, the extra plants could be used to start other flower gardens or used in areas that need some extra color. - Add a touch of yellow to your garden with the long blooming corydalis. This plant blooms from mid-May well into September. A versatile plant that can handle ranges between full sun and partial shade. It is a long blooming flower that can add color to those hard or grow shady areas from May through September.
- The "Becky" Shasta daisy blooms throughout the season.daisies image by Edsweb from Fotolia.com
The white "Becky" Shasta daisy will bloom continuously throughout the season. The "Esther Reed" variety blooms from spring to summer as well, but instead of a single row of petals as most daisies the Esther Reed resembles a pom-pom with a flat bottom. The Shasta daisy will bloom from late May until September. - Coneflowers come in a variety of colorsConeflower image by haemengine from Fotolia.com
Similar in appearance to the Black-eyed Susan, the coneflower has a prominent center with delicate petals. The long blooming coneflower comes in yellows, oranges, mauves and pink. This flower would make a beautiful addition to any floral bouquet or a subtle touch of color to any garden. The coneflower will color your garden from June until September.
Day Lilies
Black-eyed Susans
Shasta Daisy