Home & Garden: Fruit Tree: Crown Borer Insects

Fruit Tree: Crown Borer Insects

Crown borers cause major damage to apricot, cherry, plum and peach trees. They are more problematic in orchards, but may also plague the home grower. Cultural management and pesticide sprays are common treatments.

Home & Garden: The Effect of Cold Temperatures on Citrus Trees

The Effect of Cold Temperatures on Citrus Trees

Citrus trees are tropical or subtropical trees that produce fruits commonly used to make juices, such as oranges or lemons. In general, citrus trees are not capable of handling cold temperatures, and crops can be affected by it.

Home & Garden: How to Start Orchids

How to Start Orchids

Orchids are elegant tropical plants, and are increasingly sold as houseplants. These plants have specific light, nutrition and watering needs, but thrive well for those who understand them. Like all houseplants, they require consistent repotting for continued growth and healthy blooming. Repotting t

Home & Garden: How to Grow Spelt in the Garden

How to Grow Spelt in the Garden

Spelt is an ancient grain that has similar cultivation requirements as wheat. It has excellent nutritional properties and can be used as a replacement for other grains. Growing spelt in the home garden requires a large free space since any harvest of quantity takes many plants. Spelt is a fall-plant

Home & Garden: Growing Vegetables for a Family of 4

Growing Vegetables for a Family of 4

Families sometimes grow their own vegetables to save money or learn about farming and sustainable living. If it's sunny enough, even a small backyard can provide a ready supply of vegetables for a family of four.

Home & Garden: TerraCycle Orchid Plant Food

TerraCycle Orchid Plant Food

Orchids grown indoors require special care in order to thrive. One of those conditions is adequate nutrients specific to orchids. TerraCycle Orchid Plant Food is an all-natural product available in garden centers formulated specifically for orchids to help them bloom consistently and grow well in

Home & Garden: The Effect of Colored Lights on Plants

The Effect of Colored Lights on Plants

Plants need sunlight to grow, but there are ways to help your plants grow even if there is not enough where you are. Different types of light have different effects on plants. For example, using an infrared light will have a different effect than a fluorescent light will on plants because they conta

Home & Garden: Birch Trees in the Summer

Birch Trees in the Summer

Catkins form throughout the summer and generally start falling in August.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty ImagesBirch trees occur primarily in the northern regions of North America, and you can distinguish them from other trees by the distinctive "cross streaks" on their papery-looking...

Home & Garden: How to Grow & Prune Blackberries

How to Grow & Prune Blackberries

Blackberries fall into one of three groups depending on their growth habit, according to Clemson University Extension: trailing, semi-trailing and erect. Erect bushes are hardier to cold weather than the other two and have an earlier fruit season. Trailing blackberry bushes also have thorns while se

Home & Garden: Uses for Lemon Verbena Flowers

Uses for Lemon Verbena Flowers

Verbena blossoms can be white, pink or lilac in color.Moss Verbena image by mpetr37349 from Fotolia.comLemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla) grows to an average height of 15 inches. It originated in South America, where it can be found growing wild along roadsides. The scent was initially...

Home & Garden: Are False Indigo Deer-Resistant?

Are False Indigo Deer-Resistant?

No plant is completely safe from hungry, marauding deer, but some offer more resistance than others. Plants with a bitter taste, strong smell or rough foliage tend to be less palatable. False blue indigo can deter deer.

Home & Garden: Vines for Cascading Walls

Vines for Cascading Walls

Walls covered with vines create a dramatic, low-maintenance landscape. You can choose between colorful flowering vines, vines known for their floral aromas, ones that twist and turn around themselves, hardy types that resemble small tree branches, or a combination of compatible varieties. Perennial

Home & Garden: Body Parts of a Ladybug

Body Parts of a Ladybug

"Ladybug" is a name that commonly refers to the little ladybird beetle, of which there are over 5,000 known species worldwide. Although they vary widely in size and color, all ladybirds share the same basic body structure.

Home & Garden: Relationship Between Acacia and Ants

Relationship Between Acacia and Ants

Acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees that's common in temperate, desert, and tropical regions. Certain species of acacia in Africa and South America, collectively called swollen thorn acacias, enjoy a remarkable relationship with some species of ants that colonize them.

Home & Garden: How to Prune Mexican Heather

How to Prune Mexican Heather

Mexican Heather blooms every summer with small, colorful blossoms in shades of pink and purple. The plant won't do well in cold climates, where it is considered to be an annual. But if the weather remains warm, Mexican Heather can last years and can spread into bushy shrubs. It's low maintenance, bu

Home & Garden: Yellowing Leaves on a Texas Umbrella Tree

Yellowing Leaves on a Texas Umbrella Tree

Texas umbrella trees (Melia azedarach) also known as Chinaberry, usually have green leaves on branches that grow in an umbrella-like shape. Their leaves sometimes turn yellow due to seasonal changes or a tree health problem.

Home & Garden: Black Leaves on a Pear Tree

Black Leaves on a Pear Tree

Pear trees are long-lived trees that produce delicious fruit. However, pear trees can suffer from fire blight. This serious fruit tree disease often causes black, scorched leaves to develop on affected trees.

Home & Garden: How Does Elodea Reproduce?

How Does Elodea Reproduce?

Elodea PlantBrazilian elodea, often called Brazilian waterweed, is an underwater plant native to the United States. It was first found in 1839 and has since spread across the country, reaching from one coast to the other. How can one plant spread across the entire continental United...

Home & Garden: How Deep Does a Knock Out Rose Bush Grow?

How Deep Does a Knock Out Rose Bush Grow?

A rose garden full of lush, petaled glory quickly becomes the envy of the entire neighborhood. Unfortunately, roses have a well-deserved reputation for being prone to disease. Knock Out, a shrub rose, has become a favorite choice in recent years because of its superior disease resistance. Key to gro

Home & Garden: How to Grow Orange Trees in Paper

How to Grow Orange Trees in Paper

Growing orange trees in paper is a simple but very effective way of growing orange trees. It is actually a way to start the seeds as the tree is not actually grown in paper. This is a way to take ordinary orange seeds from the fruit you eat and get them to grow into orange trees. It is a great proje