Home & Garden: Fast Growing Privacy Trees

Fast Growing Privacy Trees

Various tree species grow at different rates. A privacy tree is any that has a dense enough foliage to obscure vision. In many areas homeowners look for trees that will offer them privacy as quickly as possible. The species of trees meeting these requirements do vary, depending on the region and oth

Home & Garden: Opuntia Cactus Diseases

Opuntia Cactus Diseases

The opuntia, commonly known as the prickly pear cactus, is found throughout the American Southwest. It has flat, fleshy pads that store water. Although the opuntia is tolerant of different types of soil, various temperatures and moisture levels, care must be taken to prevent the onset of serious dis

Home & Garden: The Growing Zone of the Japanese Maple

The Growing Zone of the Japanese Maple

The Japanese maple tree, Acer palmatum, is native to the Asian countries of Japan, China and North and South Korea. The species ranges in height from 6 to 50 feet.

Home & Garden: Portulaca Species

Portulaca Species

While gardeners call the weedy varieties purslane and the decorative varieties portulaca, all species share a low-growing habit and succulent, fleshy leaves. This family of annuals reseeds easily and may invade flower beds, but some species also have hidden health benefits.

Home & Garden: How to Water New Seedling Salvia Plants

How to Water New Seedling Salvia Plants

Salvia plants, which belong to the mint family, are grown in nearly every corner of the world. They are a favorite among outdoor gardeners for a number of reasons: They tend to bloom all summer and fall, are resistant to insects and disease, and attract beautiful hummingbirds and butterflies. They a

Home & Garden: Variegated Angel Trumpet Plants

Variegated Angel Trumpet Plants

Variegated angel trumpet plants have markings on the leaves.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesAngel's trumpet (Brugmansia spp.) plants are desirable for their large, showy flowers. Native to South America, these shrubs are toxic if ingested in large quantities, according to North...

Home & Garden: What Time of Year Should Trees Be Trimmed?

What Time of Year Should Trees Be Trimmed?

Pruning trees is done for four reasons: for the health of your trees; to remove dangerous trees (dead or live trees or branches threatening property or power lines); to increase the beauty of the tree; for maintenance and to promote flower and fruit production. Timing is critical for successful prun

Home & Garden: Pests of Apple Trees

Pests of Apple Trees

With care, you can protect your apple trees from invasion.apple tree 1 image by Przemyslaw Koroza from Fotolia.comBugs attack apple trees and either damage them directly or leave them open to infection. Knowing what to look for and what to expect is an important tool in the quest to...

Home & Garden: What Is Pink Yarrow?

What Is Pink Yarrow?

Common yarrow, or Achillea millefolium, is a member of the daisy family and native to the Northern Hemisphere. It grows throughout North America, Europe and Asia. This plant may also be called milfoil, thousand-seal, old man's pepper and thousand-leaf. This common garden plant produces clusters of f

Home & Garden: Bamboo & Tropical Plants for Florida

Bamboo & Tropical Plants for Florida

Florida gardeners have many choices for bamboo cultivars and tropical plants.ULTRA.F/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesGardeners living in Florida reap the benefits of warm, subtropical weather conditions year-round. Only those living in northern regions experience frosty, winter weather and may...

Home & Garden: Which Types of Soil Affects Plants?

Which Types of Soil Affects Plants?

Three types of soils are found in yards: sand, clay and loam. Each type has their own water draining capabilities. All plants and lawns need a specific amount of draining to prevent their roots from rotting or getting little nutrients.

Home & Garden: How to Replace Daylilies With Native Alternative

How to Replace Daylilies With Native Alternative

Although many people love daylilies, the truth of the matter is that they are not indigenous to these shores. Daylilies are imports that have, in many places, taken over large tracks of private and public land. They are common around roadsides and drainage culverts, where they spread by sending out

Home & Garden: How to Make Dried Flowers into a Picture

How to Make Dried Flowers into a Picture

Dried flowers in a decorative picture frame make an attractive display for hanging on a wall or setting on an easel. Framing your dried flowers will give you a folksy décor accent that will look nice in a rustic- or cottage-style décor. Preserve your child's first floral offering or pr

Home & Garden: Problems With Orchid Care

Problems With Orchid Care

Orchids are found on every continent except Antarctica. To get them to grow like weeds, provide them with the conditions they loved when they were actually weeds.

Home & Garden: How to Grow a Turnip Bed

How to Grow a Turnip Bed

Turnips have been grown and eaten since prehistoric times, according to the University of Illinois. These vegetables can be planted in the spring, late summer or fall. If planting in the fall, make sure that you get them in the ground 70 days before the first frost of the year. It typically takes tu

Home & Garden: How to Prune a Golden Globe Arborvitae Shrub

How to Prune a Golden Globe Arborvitae Shrub

The 'Golden Globe' arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe') is an evergreen shrub known for its unusual leaves, which are deep green on top and a bright yellow underneath. This shrub does well in hot, sunny parts of the yard because its leaves are not damaged by hours of direct sunlight. 'Gold

Home & Garden: Shrubs That Flower Red in Winter

Shrubs That Flower Red in Winter

When buying shrubs avoid plants that have scars since they can become cankerous.joSon/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesThere are not that many shrubs that will bloom flowers in winter. Many plants will lose their leaves and color during the cold fall and winter months, so adding plants that...

Home & Garden: Plants That Look Tropical

Plants That Look Tropical

The tropical zone spans either side of the equator, a distance which tends to fluctuate depending upon who is doing the describing. Plants in a tropical area must thrive in the presence of high heat and humidity, intense sunlight, and often generous annual rainfall. While not all tropical areas fall

Home & Garden: How Close Can You Apply Weed & Feed by a Tree?

How Close Can You Apply Weed & Feed by a Tree?

Weed and feed products contain lawn fertilizer and herbicides in a granular formula (usually) that is meant to be spread over the entire lawn. However, most of these products are readily absorbed by tree roots, damaging or even killing trees in or adjacent to lawns.

Home & Garden: How to Look for Tall Blooming Bulbs

How to Look for Tall Blooming Bulbs

Purchasing bulbs is tricky and distinguishing those that produce tall, blooming flowers adds another dimension of difficulty to the process. Tall bulbs are classified as growing to 24 inches or taller. These bulbs are typically planted at the back of flower beds and displays as they can hide smaller