Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

What Is Pink Yarrow?

    'Island Pink'

    • 'Island Pink' yarrow is also known as Achillea millefolium rosea, and is a pink cultivar of yarrow native to the western United States. This plant can grow from 1 to 4 feet tall and produces flowers ranging from almost white through pink and red. Red specimens may be called Achillea millefolium rubra. According to Las Pilatas Nursery, white and red specimens sometimes produce pink offspring.

    'Montrose Rose'

    • 'Montrose Rose' yarrow grows 1 to 1½ feet high and produces rose-pink flowers. This cultivar grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 8 and prefers full sun and well-drained sandy loam soils. This compact cultivar is less prone to flopping stems than taller varieties, but should still be cut back to the lateral flower buds after the first flower. This practice keeps the plant neat and encourages additional flowers later in the season.


    • This large yarrow cultivar changes color over the course of the growing season. 'Terracotta' yarrow grows 2 to 3 feet high and produces peach flowers initially. The blooms fade to pale orange or terracotta.


    • 'Appleblossom' yarrow is a smaller, more compact cultivar, 18 to 24 inches high. The taller stems may still suffer from flopping, and should be trimmed to maintain their appearance. This yarrow produces flowers in the lilac to clear pink range. Appleblossom is a cross between Achillea millefolium and Achillea taygetea.

    'Ortels Rose'

    • A small yarrow cultivar, 'Ortels Rose' grows only 1 to 1½ feet high. However, this yarrow is a strong grower and will survive in adverse conditions. In more favorable conditions, this yarrow may need regular division and pruning to prevent it from spreading. 'Ortels Rose' produces medium-pink flowers.


    • Like 'Terracotta', 'Fireland' is a color-changing yarrow cultivar. It starts with bright red flowers, which fade to pink and eventually yellow or gold.

    'Salmon Beauty'

    • 'Salmon Beauty' is another hybrid of A. millefolium and A. taygetea. This cultivar grows up to 3 feet high and produces flowers in light salmon pink. It may also be called 'Lachsshoenheit.'

    'Summer Pastels'

    • This highly ornamental yarrow comes in a range of colors on the same plant. A single specimen may produce white, cream, light yellow, gold, salmon pink, orange and red blossoms.

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