- Cattleyas grow at different elevations. Know if the one you have is from the cooler mountains, the intermediate, or the hot valley.Orchid image by melaca from Fotolia.com
Orchids grow all over the world and have a myriad of culture requirements. Some grew at high elevations and like it cool. Some grew in shade and will sunburn easily. Some grew in boggy areas and like to be moist. Some orchids grew on limestone outcroppings and like to dry out. Choose an orchid whose environmental needs match the conditions that you can easily provide. - Paphiopedilums are low light loving orchids that like to be lightly moist.Orchid image by Lucy Cherniak from Fotolia.com
A window facing straight north is not going to provide enough light for any orchid to gather the energy to bloom. An east window provides the light that appeals to the widest variety of orchids. A west-facing window can provide the correct light for many types as well. A southern window will fry many orchids so they would have to be placed further back into the room, but it would be just the right light for others. - An orchid in its "happy spot" within a home.orchids closeup image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.com
Before purchasing an orchid, look around your environment and determine where the plant will live. Know when the area gets natural light and for how long it gets light. Check for drafts from heating or air conditioning vents. Find a knowledgeable salesperson and explain your environment to them. Ask which orchids would be happy in that situation and buy one within that subset. This will set you up for a successful orchid growing experience from the start.
Bad Matches Make for Problems in Care
Know Your Environment Before Buying An Orchid
A Successful Pairing