Black Worms on the Leaves of a Cherry Tree
Cherry slugs, or pear slugs, are small black worms that belong to the sawfly family of insects. They eat the leaves of cherry trees from mid- to late summer and eventually become non-stinging wasps.
Cherry slugs, or pear slugs, are small black worms that belong to the sawfly family of insects. They eat the leaves of cherry trees from mid- to late summer and eventually become non-stinging wasps.
Having homegrown raspberries provides a nice treat for the warm summer months. However, if weeds are invading the garden area, they may interfere with picking that perfect berry. Weeds compete with fruit for the moisture and nutrients found in the garden's soil, so preventing future weed growth is v
Popcorn makes a delicious snack, but it can also grow into a plant for your vegetable garden. People are familiar with the popcorn kernels that come in a bag at the grocery store, but they may not realize that the kernels are actually taken from an ear of corn. In fact, you can grow your own popcorn
With their range of bright colors, diverse foliage, and variety of heights and spreads, perennials enliven borders. Perennials, plants that live for several seasons, usually dying to ground in the winter and regrowing in spring, have been used in formal garden design since 1890, when the curator of
Sandy soil is fast draining, which means that it holds little water and nutrients. To tell if you have sandy soil, grab a handful from the yard. Soil that crumbles in the hand indicates that it is sandy. When it comes to germinating grass on sandy soil, gardeners have two options. You can choose a t
Boxelder (Acer negundo) is a deciduous tree from the maple family that's native to North America. In its natural habitat, the tree grows extensively in moist hardwood forests and on stream and river banks. The fast-growing tree has a mature height of about 50 feet with compound, 3- to 4-inches-long
The proper way to germinate your tomato seeds and get the most from your seeds.
Relatively slow-growing small trees or large shrubs, graybeard or white fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus) is a native Southern tree that is well worth the wait for the full landscape effect. Yet even young graybeards start producing their unique and fragrant white-fringed flowers that, yes, resem
Because a lime ready for the table is just as green as an unripe lime, harvesting your lime tree can become a guessing game-wasting much of your fruit in the process. If you're lucky enough to have a lime tree on your property, take some time to learn how to properly harvest your limes.
Voles eat all day long and sleep at night. They live in complex underground tunnels and scamper along above-ground runways between your plants, shrubs and trees. These little mouse-like creatures have a tremendous appetite for seeds, bulbs, beans, nuts, leaves, fruit and the bark of most trees. Vol
Floral picks are versatile tools used in making floral arrangements, centerpieces and wreaths. A standard floral pick is 6 inches long and has a wire extending from one end of the pick for attaching flowers or other décor. Once you have attached the décor of your choice, insert the pick in
Zoysia lawns are prized for their ability to withstand many adverse conditions that would stress other lawn types. They can, however, succumb to damage from white grubs and should be scouted regularly for their presence. Dig up a 1-foot-square piece of sod on three sides and peel it back like a carp
Mums, which is a shortened version of the name of chrysanthemums, are more tolerant of cold than other flowers and typically last well into the fall months. Since the blooms come in orange, burgundy, and yellow, they go well with pumpkins. Instead of simply placing mums near pumpkins, you can carve
Lily of the Nile, or Agapanthus, includes six main species (two evergreens and four deciduous) and numerous additional hybrids, according to the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program. Agapanthus grows in clumps with long green grass-like or strappy leaves surrounding a two-to-three foot tall center stal
When you think about the safety of your family, pets and surroundings, going green is almost always the best option. It's possible to have a nontoxic and inexpensive way to rid your environment of pests while also having knowledge and control of what is going into your spray. Soap has been used for
The walnut brown seeds in mature Fortex bean pods inspire visions of more delicious meals next summer. Can these seeds be reliably saved for sowing in the spring? The answer depends on the regional weather patterns where you live.
Knowing you have an infestation in your basement isn't the same as knowing what's infesting it; identifying the creatures is the first step toward helping an exterminator determine the best course of action. While it may be difficult to identify the creatures to the species or genus, being able to i
You can find the short, stout crape myrtle tree in many Southern gardens, where its warm-weather preferences lead to vibrant, colorful blooms and thick bark that provides the tree protection and personality. The crape myrtle tree produces seeds that can be planted and sprouted for propagation, but t
Planting a continuous blooming garden creates a spectrum of color that you can enjoy all year. Some flowers and many flowering shrubs bloom off and on throughout all four seasons of the year. These flowers are generally robust and resistant to disease because they have adapted to different climates.
Vermont experiences some of the coldest weather in all of the lower 48 states, with much of the state within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 and 4. Temperatures during a particularly vicious Vermont winter can dive to 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, testing the mettle of any