- 1). Identify the culprit. The head of a vole looks rounder than the head of a mouse. And voles have shorter tails than mice. When voles chew on the bark of a tree, they leave angled teeth marks and they chew the bark in uneven patches.
- 2). Declare war on weeds. Voles love to eat greenery and especially weeds. Use a weed-eater to reduce their food supply.
- 3). Eliminate a vole buffet by using a leaf rake to gather up and remove fallen leaves. Voles enjoy leaves and like to eat them and use them for nest-making.
- 4). Mow your lawn regularly. Frequent lawn mowing discourages voles from using ground-level highways to your plants, shrubs, flowers and trees.
- 5). Eliminate a heavy vole infestation with snap traps. Use a common mouse trap baited with slices of fresh apple. Rest a coffee can on its side and set the baited trap in it. The coffee can protects birds or other curious creatures from springing the trap. Scatter several such traps throughout your planting beds and landscape.