Home & Garden: How to Relocate a Hydrangea

How to Relocate a Hydrangea

Hydrangea is both the common and botanical name for a sturdy ornamental bush that outperforms many other landscape shrubs and trees. Hydrangeas that overgrow their original site or perform poorly due to the growing conditions may require relocating to a new area of the landscape. Unlike some plants,

Home & Garden: Plants & Animals Found in the Dipterocarp Forests

Plants & Animals Found in the Dipterocarp Forests

Orangutan commonly live among trees of the Dipterocarpaceae family.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesAccording to the Rainforest Relief website, the majority of Asia's rainforests are dipterocarp forests; and trees from the Dipterocarpaceae family account for 80 percent of their...

Home & Garden: How to Reverse Effects of Roundup Weed Killer

How to Reverse Effects of Roundup Weed Killer

Roundup is an herbicide that is widely used to control the unwanted growth of grass, weeds and small brush. Featuring glyphosate as the primary active ingredient, Roundup is used in both residential and commercial applications. The effect of Roundup is the dieback of grass and weeds to which it was

Home & Garden: How to Revive a Daphne Carol Mackie

How to Revive a Daphne Carol Mackie

Daphne "Carol Mackie" plants (Daphne burkwoodii “Carol Mackie”) are attractive deciduous shrubs boasting variegated foliage and showy, fragrant, pink spring flowers. The plants will grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8 but are not for beginni

Home & Garden: Why Does My House Make Creaking Sounds?

Why Does My House Make Creaking Sounds?

Homeowners are prone to hearing a host of different sounds at night, as houses settle, expand and shift. Often, we are more aware of our house settling, and the noises that come along with it, at night, when it's most quiet. Luckily, the things going bump in the night are more likely to involve a st

Home & Garden: How to Water Pea Gardens

How to Water Pea Gardens

Cool-season vegetables, peas produce best in the cooler spring and fall months. Like many garden vegetables, they thrive in moist soil that is rich in organic matter while also requiring full sunlight. Peas also have shallow roots, so moisture must be available near the top of the bed and not just d

Home & Garden: The Highest Oxygen-Yielding Houseplants

The Highest Oxygen-Yielding Houseplants

Some houseplants purify the air.Plant image by Platinum Pictures from Fotolia.comPlants are Nature's natural air purifiers, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. It may be surprising to find that indoor air quality may be worse than...

Home & Garden: How to Prune Hibiscus Moscheutos in a Northern Climate

How to Prune Hibiscus Moscheutos in a Northern Climate

Hibiscus moscheutos is a species of herbaceous perennial hibiscus that is often called hardy hibiscus, crimsoneyed rosemallow or swamp rose mallow. Unlike the shrub form Hibiscus syriacus, which cannot survive freezing temperatures and is a tropical evergreen, perennial hibiscus is a deciduous subsh

Home & Garden: Will Snapdragons Reseed?

Will Snapdragons Reseed?

Snapdragons, like many other annuals, produce seeds in the early summer that fall to the ground and start new plants. Often these will grow quickly enough to produce flowers in the early fall when the temperatures are cool again. In some areas where the winters are not so cold, the plants will not d

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of Pigeons at a Bird Feeder

How to Get Rid of Pigeons at a Bird Feeder

Often referred to as "rats with wings," pigeons are unwanted pests in urban neighborhoods. Birdwatchers in these neighborhoods are discouraged when pigeons frequent their feeders, intimidating smaller, more desirable songbirds. In addition to bullying other birds, pigeons cause messes on garden walk

Home & Garden: Steps in Hand-Tying Flowers

Steps in Hand-Tying Flowers

Flower arranging can be a formal art with many rules, but according to "Perfect Entertaining" you should worry less about formality and arrange your flowers to please your own tastes. Hand-tied bouquets are one of the simpler ways to arrange flowers and can be done quickly using your favorite bloom

Home & Garden: How to Propagate Idaho Syringa Cuttings

How to Propagate Idaho Syringa Cuttings

Syringa, also known as Lewis mock orange (Philadelphus lewisii), has been Idaho's state flower since 1931. The plant is a deciduous shrub that grows with an arching habit and belongs to the same family as the hydrangea. It reaches 10 feet in height and width, producing green leaves and fragrant whit

Home & Garden: Types of Bio Fertilizers

Types of Bio Fertilizers

There are many eco-friendly fertilizer options available.fertile farmland valley image by Yali Shi from Fotolia.comBiofertilizers are formulations of live microorganisms which are beneficial to certain plants and crops. They are applied by several methods--including to seeds, roots or...

Home & Garden: How Much of the Stalk to Cut Off With Spent Hosta Flowers?

How Much of the Stalk to Cut Off With Spent Hosta Flowers?

Hosta, with its blinding number of varieties, is famed for its low-maintenance nature and varied, eye-catching foliage. However, it still produces flowers, in white, pink or lavender, which rise above the foliage on tall stalks, or scapes. No harm is done by leaving the scape on the plants, but many

Home & Garden: Facts About Problems With Pepper Tree Plants

Facts About Problems With Pepper Tree Plants

Brazilian pepper trees (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi) were transported to the United States in the mid-1800s and have become a problematic species since that time. Although they are sometimes grown as garden plants, they are invasive in the wild.

Home & Garden: How Do I Grow Sorghum in Iowa?

How Do I Grow Sorghum in Iowa?

Sorghum is a valuable grain crop that grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Sorghum comes in two varieties: sweet sorghum and grain sorghum. Sweet sorghum is used to produce molasses and sorghum syrup while grain sorghum is often used as a feed grain for livestock. With proper

Home & Garden: Vermont Ornamental Trees

Vermont Ornamental Trees

Ornamental trees are a great addition to any yard. A wide variety of ornamental trees grow very well in Vermont, each with a number of aesthetically pleasing attributes. Most of them will give a colorful fall foliage display in addition to fragrant flowers in the spring, especially in Vermont where

Home & Garden: The Best Planting Mediums for Tifblue Blueberries

The Best Planting Mediums for Tifblue Blueberries

Tifblue is a midseason rabbiteye blueberry. It requires 350 to 400 hours of temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit and a different type of rabbiteye planted nearby for pollination. In addition to the required chilling time and pollinator, all types of blueberry bushes have very specific planting m

Home & Garden: Rules on How to Trim an Avocado Tree

Rules on How to Trim an Avocado Tree

Trimming an avocado tree can make it bear more productive.avocado fruits on a wild avocado tree image by Lars Lachmann from Fotolia.comAn avocado tree can obtain a height of 40 to 80 feet if left unpruned. A large tree, however, does not necessarily guarantee more fruit production....

Home & Garden: Citrus Splash Rose Growing Tips

Citrus Splash Rose Growing Tips

The citrus splash rose has a pointy bud that dries beautifully for craft projects.china rose image by yang xiaofeng from Fotolia.comThe citrus splash rose bush delights with its fruity, citrus-like smell in the garden throughout the summer and early fall months. This beautiful rose is...

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