- 1). Select a suitable planting location in your Iowa home landscape based on the plant's sunlight and soil requirements. Ensure healthy, vigorous growth by selecting a planting location that receives more than six hours of direct sunlight per day. Choose a location that also provides rich, fertile and well-draining soil.
- 2). Prepare the soil at your selected planting location to increase the chances of successful sorghum seed germination. Clear the entire area of existing vegetation. Dig up the roots of perennial plants to prevent them from returning. Till 4 inches of equal parts compost, aged manure, peat moss and perlite into the soil to a depth of 6 inches.
- 3). Plant the sorghum seeds by hand by pushing them, one at a time, 1 inch into the soil. Space the sorghum seeds 6 to 8 inches apart in the row. Allow at least 3 feet of space between each row if planting multiple rows of sorghum.
- 4). Water the planting area generously to moisten the soil and encourage the seeds to germinate. Continue to water the planting area as often as necessary to maintain moist, but well-drained soil. Reduce the risk of fungal diseases by applying the supplemental irrigation to the soil, rather than to the plants.
- 5). Check the planting area daily for new weed growth. Remove the weeds, making sure to dig up their root systems, to prevent them from competing with the sorghum for moisture and nutrients.