- 1). Allow the grass and weeds that were treated with Roundup herbicide to remain undisturbed for seven days. Let the Roundup work its way through the plant to the roots, where it will then become neutralized in the soil.
- 2). Gather the dead grass and weeds from the soil with a rake. Rake the treated area thoroughly to gather dead vegetation and pull dead roots from the ground. Bag dead vegetation and dispose of it properly.
- 3). Work the soil to prepare it for seeding. Use a shovel and rake or a small tiller to turn the soil and break it down in preparation for seeding. Smooth the prepared soil with a rake.
- 4). Disperse grass seed evenly over the prepared ground. Choose a grass seed based on geographical location, shade tolerance and personal preference. Gently cover the seed with soil by raking.
- 5). Apply a balanced starter fertilizer such as 24-24-4 to the newly planted seed. Water the seed regularly for the first seven to 10 days until the seed germinates and begins to grow.