Home & Garden: The Best State to Grow Food in & Why

The Best State to Grow Food in & Why

Take a drive through California's fertile valleys and its miles of lush crops, and you'll quickly see why the state is one of the top food exporters in the world. From family-owned vineyards to huge dairy farms, California's farmlands have a little bit of everything, and all of it flourishes in the

Home & Garden: Diseases of the Kwanzan Tree Leaves

Diseases of the Kwanzan Tree Leaves

The Kwanzan cherry tree (Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan') is a 15- to 25-foot-tall tree which is mostly planted for its double-pink, showy flowers during spring. Kwanzan cherry tree is deciduous with green, 4- to 8-inch-long leaves. The tree has an upright, vase-like shape and a medium growth...

Home & Garden: How to Get a Grass Skirt on "PopTropica"

How to Get a Grass Skirt on "PopTropica"

Developed by Family Education Network, "Poptropica" is an online game world geared for children. The world consists of a series of islands that can be explored. Along the way, items can be collected and puzzles can be completed. For example, on Shark Tooth Island, you will need to speak to the Medic

Home & Garden: Poppy Flower Colors

Poppy Flower Colors

Poppies can bloom in bright orange and red colors.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesPoppies are brightly colored flowers that are native to Asia, India and parts of Europe. The blooms grow well in gardens, especially when receiving lots of sunlight, but the annual flowers can also...

Home & Garden: Properties of Beet Seeds

Properties of Beet Seeds

The beet seed is not a single seed. Instead, beet seeds are almost always found in clusters among the leaves of a mature beet plant. While some companies that sell seeds separate the beet seeds, the cluster of seeds is functional in nature, as it increases the chances of a seedling sprouting even if

Home & Garden: How to Keep Squirrels Away From Spring Bulbs

How to Keep Squirrels Away From Spring Bulbs

Fall is the time to plant your spring bulbs, but unfortunately, fall and winter are also the times squirrels are most actively looking for food. Squirrels think those bulbs you spent all that time digging and planting are an easy meal--so if you don't do something to protect your bulbs--they won't

Home & Garden: Information on Passion Flowers

Information on Passion Flowers

The passion flower (Passifora) is a hearty, fast-growing perennial. It is a climbing vine with impressive, fragrant flowers and a woody stem. Certain varieties also bear fruits, some of which can be eaten. Although native to southern Brazil and Argentina, it is now found throughout the world. Passio

Home & Garden: How to Harvest Elderberries

How to Harvest Elderberries

Clusters of small berries ripen on elderberry bushes in late summer. The color of the berries depends on the variety of bush, with both red and purplish-black types available. Both colors of elderberries have a tart flavor that lends itself well to pies, jams and wine-making. Immature berries taste

Home & Garden: Ghost Orchid Information

Ghost Orchid Information

The ghost orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii) is an exceptionally rare orchid originally discovered in Cuba in 1844 and in Florida in 1880. The plant grows in humid regions throughout Florida, Cuba and Haiti, and likely grows on other Caribbean islands. The ghost orchid became prominent in popular cultur

Home & Garden: Where Can I Find Images of Purple Flowers?

Where Can I Find Images of Purple Flowers?

Print and online sources have an almost-unlimited amount of images of purple flowers, and one of the hardest parts of searching them--particularly online--is getting too many. One concern in searching for images is ensuring the correct licensing of for the intended use.

Home & Garden: How to Plant Seedless Concord Grapevines

How to Plant Seedless Concord Grapevines

Growing grapes in the home garden is a good way to provide tasty, healthy treats for your family and indulge your gardening hobby at the same time. Many varieties are available for growing, in both seeded and seedless varieties. Seedless Concord grapes (Vitis labrusca x "Concord Seedless") are used

Home & Garden: Information on Organic Seed Developments

Information on Organic Seed Developments

Seed developments--planting for the strict purpose of harvesting seeds typically aimed for government-subsidized farms--are hotly contested. These arguments only increase when organic farming is involved in the dispute. According to a 2003 crop husbandry study at the Organic Eprints link in Resource

Home & Garden: How to Trim Branches

How to Trim Branches

Trimming back tree branches gives the tree a more shapely look and keeps it from looking shaggy or bedraggled. While trimming large trees is a task that should be left to professional tree trimmers who have the proper equipment, trimming back branches on a smaller tree is a straightforward task you

Home & Garden: How to Propagate a Norfolk Pine From a Cutting

How to Propagate a Norfolk Pine From a Cutting

Although not a true pine tree, Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is a conifer native to Australia and the Norfolk Islands. It is commonly used during the holiday season as a Christmas tree. The tree thrives in cool areas with indirect, bright light. Depending on personal preference, propa

Home & Garden: Allergens From a Weeping Fig Tree

Allergens From a Weeping Fig Tree

Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) trees are frequently used as house and office plants for their tolerance of indoor growing conditions, but these trees can pose hazards for some people. Allergic reactions to weeping fig trees have been recorded, but not everyone will react the same. For any severe reac

Home & Garden: Best Time to Trim Rose Bushes

Best Time to Trim Rose Bushes

Some flower gardeners are hesitant about whether or not to raise roses because they are concerned over the issue of trimming the plant. There is actually two different type of trimming-otherwise known as deadheading or pruning-and they are important for the rose's appearance and health. Determining

Home & Garden: How to Prune Orange Trees in Arizona

How to Prune Orange Trees in Arizona

During the hot summers in Arizona, orange trees will prosper and produce lots of delicious, fresh fruit. These trees must be properly cared for, however, just like any other citrus tree. This includes pruning your trees at least once every two years. Trees that are not correctly pruned and maintaine

Home & Garden: Venus Flytrap Size

Venus Flytrap Size

Venus flytraps, or Dionaea muscipula, are carnivorous plants that trap insects, digesting them over a period of several days. Before cultivating a Venus flytrap, you should gain an understanding of the plant's needs and how large the plant can grow.

Home & Garden: How to Shade Plants

How to Shade Plants

Gardeners that live in the warmer regions of the U.S., such as the desert southwest, must be mindful all summer of where the sun is and how it's affecting their gardens. Even sun-loving plants have their limit of just how much scorching hot sun they will tolerate. Potted plants are the easiest to sh